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Senior University Leaders and President’s Cabinet

President, Astrid S. Tuminez (2018)

B.A., International Relations and Russian Literature, Brigham Young University; A.M., Regional Studies: Soviet Union, Harvard University; Ph.D., Political Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Provost and Senior Vice President of the Academic Affairs Division, F. Wayne Vaught (2019)

B.A., Philosophy, Psychology, and Religion, Georgetown College; M.A., Philosophy, Baylor University; Ph.D., Philosophy and Bioethics, The University of Tennessee - Knoxville

Vice President of the Administration and Strategic Relations Division, Val L. Peterson (1988)

B.A., Public Relations with an Emphasis in Mass Communications, Brigham Young University; M.A., Mass Communications, Brigham Young University; M.S., Strategic Studies, United States Army War College; Ph.D., Educational Leadership, Brigham Young University

Vice President of the Digital Transformation Division and Chief Information Officer, Christina Baum (2022)

B.S., History and Business Management, Brigham Young University; M.B.A., Business Administration, Washington State University

Vice President of the Finance and Auxiliary Services Division and Chief Financial Officer, Jim Mortensen (2013)

B.S., Business Administration, Brigham Young University; M.S., Human Development, Virginia Tech; M.P.A., Public Administration, Brigham Young University

Vice President of the Institutional Advancement Division, Kyle A. Reyes (2003)

B.A., Visual Arts – Graphic Design, Brigham Young University; M.Ed., Educational Leadership and Foundations, Brigham Young University; Ph.D. Educational Leadership and Policy, University of Utah

Vice President of the People and Culture Division, Marilyn S. Meyer (2019)

B.S., Management Information Systems, University of Nevada – Las Vegas; M.S., Human Resources Management, Golden Gate University

Vice President of the Student Affairs Division, Michelle L. Kearns (1992)

B.S., Business Management, Utah Valley University; M.P.A., Public Administration, Brigham Young University, Ed.D., Higher Education Administration, Northeastern University

Chief of Staff and Vice President of the Marketing and Communications Division, Kara L. Schneck (2020)

B.A., Communications, Brigham Young University

Chief Engagement and Effectiveness Officer, Rasha Mohsen Qudisat (2022)

B.Sc., Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Jordan University of Science and Technology; M.Sc., Water Resources and Environmental Engineering - Civil Engineering, Jordan University of Science and Technology; Ph.D., Education, Inquiry, Measurement and Evaluation, Brigham Young University

Deputy Provost, Kathren A. Brown (2002)

B.A., History, Alma College; M.A., Russian History, Bowling Green State University; Ph.D., Policy History, Bowling Green State University

General Counsel, Clark Collings (2017)

B.S., Business Management, Brigham Young University; J.D., University of Utah

Academic Deans in the Academic Affairs Division

Interim Dean of the College of Health and Public Service, Tom Sturtevant (2012)

B.S., Organizational Management, Tusculum College; M.P.A, Public Administration, University of Tennessee - Knoxville; Ed.D., Leadership for Teaching and Learning, University of Tennessee - Knoxville

Dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Steven C. Clark (2000)

B.S., Psychology, Brigham Young University; M.A., Psychology, University of New Hampshire;  Ph.D., Psychology, University of New Hampshire

Dean of the College of Science, Daniel M. Horns (1997)

B.S., Applied Geophysics, University of California at Los Angeles; Ph.D., Geology, University of California at Davis

Dean of the Smith College of Engineering and Technology, Kelly Flanagan (2020)

B.S., Electrical Engineering, Brigham Young University; M.S., Electrical Engineering, Brigham Young University; Ph.D., Electrical and Computer Engineering, Brigham Young University

Dean of the School of the Arts, Courtney R. Davis (2007)

B.A., Art History, Brigham Young University; M.A., Art History and Curatorial Studies, Brigham Young University; J.D., Brigham Young University   

Dean of the School of Education, Vessela Ilieva (2010)

B.S., Mathematics Education, Utah State University; M.Sc., Engineering, Technical University; Master of Second Language Teaching, Utah State University; Ph.D., Curriculum and Instruction with an Emphasis in Mathematics Education, Utah State University

Dean of the Woodbury School of Business, Robert D. Allen (2023)

B.S., Accounting, Brigham Young University; M.S., Accounting, Brigham Young University; Ph.D., Accounting, Michigan State University

Executives in the Academic Affairs Division

Senior Associate Provost for Academic Programs, Assessment, and Accreditation, Laurie A. Sharp (2022)

B.S, Elementary Education, University of Central Florida; M.Ed., Elementary Education, University of Central Florida; Ed.D, Educational Leadership, Tarleton State University

Associate Provost for Academic Innovation, Tammy Clark (2021)

B.S., Chemistry, University of Minnesota; Ph.D., Synthetic Organic Chemistry, University of Rochester

Associate Provost for Student Success, David R. Connelly (2008)

B.A., History, Brigham Young University; M.P.A., Public Administration, Brigham Young University; Ph.D., Public Administration, SUNY Albany

Executives in the Administration and Strategic Relations Division

Associate Vice President and Athletics Director, Jared Sumsion (2006)

B.S., Integrated Studies - Leadership & Community Health, Utah Valley University; M.B.A., Westminster College and University of Phoenix; Ed.D., Organizational Leadership, Nova Southeastern University

Associate Vice President for Facilities Planning, Frank R. Young (2001)

B.S., Construction Management, Brigham Young University

Associate Vice President for University Relations, Steven C. Anderson (2013)

B.S., Communication – Public Relations, Utah Valley University; M.A., Strategic Communication and Leadership, Seton Hall University; Ed.D., Interdisciplinary Leadership, Creighton University

Executives in the Digital Transformation Division

Associate Vice President for Partner Solutions and Support Services, Nathan Gerber (1994)

B.S., Computer Science - Networking, Utah Valley University; M.S., Management and Leadership, Western Governors University

Associate Vice President for Platform Technologies, Brian Hall (2023)

B.F.A., Industrial Design and Computer Animation, Brigham Young University; M.B.A. Business Administration with an emphasis in Information Systems, Brigham Young University

Executives in the Finance and Auxiliary Services Division

Associate Vice President for Finance and Government Records Access and Management Act (GRAMA) Officer, Kedric Black (2004)

B.S., Accounting, Utah State University; M.B.A., Business Management and Accounting, Utah State University

Executives in the Institutional Advancement Division

Associate Vice President for Development Programs, Candice L. Gardner (2009)

B.S., Political Science, Utah Valley University; M.P.A., Public Administration, Brigham Young University

Associate Vice President for Strategic Engagement, Christie Denniston (2021)

B.A., Public Relations, M.P.A. with an Emphasis in Executive Leadership, Drake University

Executives in the Marketing and Communications Division

Associate Vice President for Strategic Communication Management, Bryant Larsen (2022)

B.U.S., University Studies, University of Utah; M.S., Journalism, Northwestern University 

Associate Vice President for University Marketing, Matt Serrao (2022)

B.S., Recreation Management, Business Management, Asian Studies, Brigham Young University; M.B.A., Business Administration, Chaminade University of Honolulu

Executives in the Student Affairs Division

Associate Vice President of Student Experience and Enrollment Management, Andrew J. Stone (2023)

A.S., Utah Valley State College; B.S., Psychology, Utah Valley University; M.Ed., Education with an Emphasis in Student Affairs, University of Utah; Ph.D., Educational Leadership and Policy, University of Utah

Associate Vice President of Student Services, Tara S. Ivie (2008)

B.A, Political Science: International Relations, Utah Valley University; M.S, Administration of Academic Advising, Kansas State University; Ph.D., Education: Leadership, Utah State University

Associate Vice President for PK-16, Grants, Outreach, and Partnership, William Barney Nye (1999)

B.S., Integrated Studies: Emphases in English and Behavioral Science, Utah Valley University; M.P.A., Public Administration; University of Utah; Ph.D., Educational Leadership and Policy, University of Utah

Associate Vice President for Student Development and Well-Being and Dean of Students, Alexis Palmer (2004)

B.A., Elementary Education, Boise State University; M.S., Youth and Family Recreation, Brigham Young University; Ed.D., Organizational Leadership and Development, Grand Canyon University