Visit the Finance and Economics Department page for more information on the program and access to advising.
Program Description
The Certificate in Applied Economics is intended for students who want to acquire solid analytical, quantitative, and problem-solving skills in economics. It focuses on applying economic theory, data mining, statistical and econometric tools to real-world economic and business problems. Graduates with this certificate will be well-positioned to succeed in a job market that increasingly requires solid quantitative and data handling skills.
Program Requirements
Course List Code | Title | Credit Hours |
Total Credit Hours | 21 |
ECON 2010 | Principles of Economics I | 3 |
ECON 2020 | Principles of Economics II | 3 |
MGMT 2240 | Business Quantitative Analysis | 3 |
or MATH 1210 | Calculus I |
ECON 3020 | Managerial Economics | 3 |
ECON 3370 | Economic Modeling and Data Analytics | 3 |
ECON 3470 | Principles of Applied Econometrics | 3 |
| 3 |
| Intermediate Macroeconomics (3) | |
| International Economics (3) | |
| Money and Banking (3) | |
| Behavioral Economics (3) | |
| Health Economics (3) | |
| Public Finance (3) | |
| Management of Financial Institutions (3) | |
| International Finance Management (3) | |
| Advanced Topics in Finance (3) | |
Graduation Requirements
Complete 18 credits of core courses and 3 credits of any listed electives.
Residency hours: Minimum of 6 credit hours of business courses through course attendance at UVU.
Graduation Plan
This graduation plan is a sample plan and is intended to be a guide. Your specific plan may differ based on your Math and English placement and/or transfer credits applied. You are encouraged to meet with an advisor and set up an individualized graduation plan in Wolverine Track.
Plan of Study Grid First Year |
Semester 1 |
ECON 2010 | Principles of Economics I | 3 |
MGMT 2240
| Business Quantitative Analysis
or Calculus I | 3 |
| Credit Hours | 6 |
Semester 2 |
ECON 2020 | Principles of Economics II | 3 |
| Credit Hours | 3 |
Second Year |
Semester 3 |
ECON 3020 | Managerial Economics | 3 |
ECON 3370 | Economic Modeling and Data Analytics | 3 |
| Credit Hours | 6 |
Semester 4 |
ECON 3470 | Principles of Applied Econometrics | 3 |
| 3 |
| Intermediate Macroeconomics | |
| International Economics | |
| Money and Banking | |
| Behavioral Economics | |
| Health Economics | |
| Public Finance | |
| International Finance Management | |
| Management of Financial Institutions | |
| Advanced Topics in Finance | |
| Credit Hours | 6 |
| Total Credit Hours | 21 |