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Personal Financial Planning, B.S.

Visit the Finance and Economics Department page for more information on the program and access to advising.

Program Description

The WSB Bachelor of Science in Personal Financial Planning (PFP) prepares graduates with the courses necessary to meet educational requirements to sit for the Certified Financial Planning Board of Standards, Inc. accreditation process. It is intended to prepare students to become fee-for-service professional planners with strong ethical standards who work with families and individuals developing specific budget, asset management, and related planning processes.

Matriculation Requirements

Total Credit Hours18
Business Foundation Matriculation Courses18 Credits
ACC 2110Principles of Accounting I3
Complete one of the following:
My Educator 1
Business Computer Proficiency (3) 1
Spreadsheet Applications (3) 1
MGMT 2400Data Analytics for Business3
MGMT 2240Business Quantitative Analysis3
MGMT 2340Business Statistics I3
or STAT 2040 Principles of Statistics
MKTG 2200GWritten Business Communication 23
ECON 2010Principles of Economics I3