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Autism Studies, Certificate of Proficiency

Total Credit Hours16
Discipline Core Requirements16 Credits
Complete one of the following:
Introduction to Academic Writing CC (3)
Literacies and Composition Across Contexts CC
Writing proficiency determined by Autism Studies program director
Complete the following:
AUTS 250GUnderstanding the Autism Spectrum GI3
AUTS 3810Autism Across the Lifespan I Infants and Children3
AUTS 382GAutism across the LIfespan II Teens and Adults GI3
AUTS 3850Autism Assessment and Treatment3
AUTS 481RField Placement3
AUTS 482RGroup Autism Seminar1

Graduation Requirements

  1. Completion of a minimum 16 semester credits.
  2. Overall GPA of 2.0 or above.
  3. Residency hours -- minimum of 4 credit hours through course attendance at UVU.