Surveying and Mapping, B.S.
Visit the Architecture and Engineering Design Department page for more information on the program and access to advising.
Program Description
Surveying and Mapping is the study of geospatial measurement and representation including such disciplines as land surveying, photogrammetry, remote sensing (satellite imaging and laser scanning), geographic information systems (GIS), cartography, global positioning systems (GPS), and some parts of geography and civil engineering. Surveying and Mapping is a discipline which integrates acquisition, modeling, analysis, and management of geo-spatial reference data. Based on the scientific framework of geodesy, it uses terrestrial, marine, airborne, satellite-based sensors, and measurement systems and technologies to acquire spatial and other data. The Land Surveying component of Surveying and Mapping includes investigation, analysis, and application of boundary/property laws and legal principles pertaining to specific public and private properties and is a regulated profession wherein a license to practice land surveying is issued by each state in an effort to protect the public and private interests in property boundaries. Students in the Surveying and Mapping program may earn an Associate in Science in Surveying and Mapping which will help them be immediately employable as an entry level surveyor GIS technician. Students may also earn a Bachelor of Science in Surveying and Mapping which will prepare them to successfully pass the national Fundamentals of Surveying (FS) exam which is a significant step towards surveying licensure. The bachelor degree program has been developed around four core disciplines which build on an in-depth foundation of knowledge needed for the professional practice of surveying and GIS. Surveying and Mapping program goals are to secure ABET/ASAC accreditation by Fall Semester 2017 and to continue to encourage student interest in obtaining graduate degrees in the field of Surveying and Mapping from other nationally ranked institutions. The program is operating under an annual cohort system starting in the fall semester of each year, so matriculation is required to ensure that each perspective student completes all required course prerequisites prior to entrance into a cohort.
Matriculation Requirements
Application Submission
Full and part-time students must complete and submit the Matriculation Application to the Surveying and Mapping Program Coordinator in-person for approval before March 1st prior to the Fall semester to which the student wishes to begin taking courses in the BS- Surveying and Mapping degree.
80% Computer Proficiency
Complete My Educator with an exam score of 80% or higher OR complete IM 2010 Business Computer Proficiency (3.0 credit hours) with B- or higher.
Laptop Access
Must have access to their own laptop computer which can be made available during classes and which meets the minimum hardware specifications as defined by current AutoCAD® hardware specifications prior to starting courses.
Associate of Science (AS) Degree
Complete the AS degree in Surveying and Mapping or an AS degree in a related field and complete the following courses with at least a B grade:
- SURV 1020 Introduction to Surveying and Mapping
- SURV 1040 Fundamentals of Technical Engineering Drawing
- EGDT 1400 Surveying Applications and Field Techniques I
- MKTG 2200G Written Business Communication GI WE
- MATH 1060 Trigonometry or
- EGDT 1600 and 1610 Technical Math I and II