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Computer Science - Computer Networking Emphasis, B.S.

The Networking specialization in the Computer Science degree program is designed to prepare students with strong internet-related programming and/or engineering skills. In addition to core Computer Science courses, it requires in-depth courses in network and Internet operations as well as extensive experience in web and network software development.

Matriculation Requirements

  1. Completion of CS 1400 Fundamentals of Programming, CS 1410 Object Oriented Programming, CS 2300 Discrete Mathematical Structures I,  CS 2420 Introduction to Algorithms and Data Structures, CS 2450 Software Engineering I,  with a grade of C+ better.
  2. Completion of MATH 1210 Calculus I QL and ENGL 1010 Introduction to Academic Writing CC or ENGH 1005 Literacies and Composition Across Contexts CC with a grade of C or better.  
  3. Each of CS 1400, CS 1410, CS 2300, CS 2420, CS 2450, MATH 1210, and (ENGL 1010 or ENGH 1005) cannot be taken more than twice to obtain the required grade.
  4. Overall GPA of 2.5 or higher.