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Software Development, B.A.S.

Visit the Computer Science Department page for more information on the program and access to advising.

Program Description

The Bachelor of Applied Science in Software Development is a degree to provide a solid foundation of software development skills. It consists mainly of 45 credit hours of computer science classes: the core computer science classes, plus several additional computer science courses selected so as to have greatest practical applicability. The degree will qualify students for mid-level programming jobs with good long-term prospects but not necessarily technical leadership roles.

Matriculation Requirements

  • Completion of CS 1400 Fundamentals of Programming, CS 1410 Object Oriented Programming, CS 2300 Discrete Mathematical Structures I, and CS 2420 Introduction to Algorithms and Data Structures with a grade of C+ or better.
  • Completion of MATH 1050 College Algebra and ENGL 1010 Introduction to Academic Writing with a grade of C or better.
  • Overall GPA of 2.5 or higher.