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Civil Engineering, B.S.

Civil engineering is the oldest engineering discipline. The Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering prepares graduates to apply mathematical and scientific principles to the design and supervision of infrastructure components including: buildings, roads, bridges, dams, tunnels, mass transit systems, and airports. Civil engineers are also involved in environmental studies and the design and supervision of municipal water supplies and sewage systems.

Matriculation Requirements

  1. To be admitted to the BSCE program, a student must complete the foundation courses in Mathematics (MATH 1210, 1220, 2210, 2250); Physics and Chemistry (PHYS 2210 with 2215, CHEM 1210 with 1215, and PHYS 2220 with 2225 or CHEM 1220 with 1225); English (ENGL 1010 or ENGH 1005, ENGL 2010); Engineering (ENGR 1000, 2010, 2030, 2140, 2160; and CIVE 2130); Computer Aided Drafting (EGDT 1040), and Surveying Applications and Field Techniques I (EGDT 1400) with a minimum grade of C in these courses.
  2. Must complete courses with a grade point average of 2.5 or above.
  3. A student not meeting all of the admission requirements, may request in writing, a provisional admission status for a semester from the department. The provisional admission status must be approved by the civil engineering program coordinator.