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Mechatronics Engineering Technology, B.S.

Visit the Technology Management and Mechatronics Department page for more information on the program and access to advising.

Program Description

The Mechatronics Engineering Technology Degree from Utah Valley University prepares graduates to work in the Utah manufacturing sector as an automation technologist, design technician, PLC programmer, as well as many other aspects of implementing manufacturing systems. Students complete courses in PLC programming and architecture, materials, CAD, electrical and mechanical components, pneumatics, and motor control. Students will also take courses in technical writing, physics, chemistry, and business to round out their professional profile.

Matriculation Requirements

Graduates of the Mechatronics Engineering Technology, Electrical Automation Robotic Technology (E.A.R.T) or Automation and Electrical Technology (A.E.T) A.A.S. degree programs at UVU may automatically matriculate into the Bachelor of Science degree program in Mechatronics Engineering Technology. 

E.A.R.T and A.E.T graduates that have not taken college algebra (MATH 1050) should enroll prior to or during their first semester in which they are enrolled in the Mechatronics B.S. program.