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Essential Learning Outcomes

The Essential Learning Outcomes (ELOs) are a comprehensive set of learning goals that are fostered and developed across a student’s educational experience in the General Education program at UVU. They reflect the foundational skills and competencies needed to meet the challenges of an ever-changing and complex world. 


Communicate facts and ideas.

To demonstrate competence in communication, students will appraise the needs of their audience; use sound evidence and reasoning in constructing arguments; and clearly and effectively communicate.


Understand and apply the principles of diversity, inclusion, and equity.

To demonstrate competence in inclusion, students will show cultural understanding; recognize issues of diversity, inclusion, and equity; and understand the importance of creating diverse and inclusive environments for all.

Critical Thinking

Analyze ideas, information, and problems.

To demonstrate competence in critical thinking, students will question assumptions; evaluate ideas and problems in a systematic way; and appraise arguments for importance, logic, relevance, and strength.

Information Literacy

Collect, evaluate, organize, and use information.

To demonstrate competence in information literacy, students will find appropriate information to address a need; evaluate it for relevance and validity; and use it to draw conclusions and generate solutions.

Digital Literacy

Use digital technologies.

To demonstrate competence in digital literacy, students will leverage digital technologies to accomplish goals; engage effectively and ethically in a digital environment; and adapt to new and emerging technologies.

Quantitative Literacy

Communicate facts and ideas.

To demonstrate competence in quantitative literacy, students will solve problems using basic calculations; make judgements about and draw conclusions from quantitative evidence; and use quantitative strategies to support a position.

Ethical Reasoning

Recognize and consider the ethical dimension of behavior.

To demonstrate competence in ethical reasoning, students will apply ethical principles and approaches; consider alternative courses of action and consequences; and evaluate and articulate their own ethical values.

Scientific Literacy

Understand scientific concepts and methods.

To demonstrate competence in scientific literacy, students will have a basic understanding of major scientific concepts and methods; apply scientific knowledge to daily life; and express scientifically informed positions.