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General Education

General Education Information

Whereas a major provides students with specialized knowledge, General Education ensures that students have the breadth of knowledge that characterizes well-rounded and well-informed citizens. General Education provides the skills of analysis, problem-solving, creative thinking, and critical thinking that prepare students for an unknown and ever-changing future.

Completion of the UVU General Education requirements will fulfill the General Education requirements at all colleges and universities within the Utah System of Higher Education. However, certain majors, both at this institution and other Utah institutions, may require specific General Education courses. While UVU has not articulated these courses with higher education institutions outside the State of Utah, they will generally articulate to other regionally accredited colleges and universities in the United States. It is the responsibility of students to complete the appropriate General Education courses required by their departments regardless of the generalized list printed in this catalog.

Note: Students taking General Education courses without having declared a specific major are advised in the Academic Counseling Center, LC 402, telephone 801-863-8425. Students who have declared a specific major that is taught at UVU will be directed to the appropriate academic advisor upon completion of new student orientation and assessment activities.

Department Articulation Agreements

In addition to General Education courses, many departments have articulated specific courses that transfer to help fulfill baccalaureate degree requirements. Information concerning these courses may be obtained from UVU department advisors or the Admissions-Transfer Services Office, BA 114.

General Education Code System

General Education course designator codes (Attributes) aid students and transfer institutions to identify how General Education courses meet graduation requirements.

The following list identifies General Education core and distribution courses as they apply to the Associate in Arts/Science Degrees and Bachelor of Arts/Science Degrees, and can be used to search the registration menu:

AS - American Institutions
BB - Biology
CC - English Composition
FF - Fine Arts
HH - Humanities
LH - Foreign Language
PP - Physical Science
SS - Social Science
QL – Quantitative Literacy
XF - Must be taken with another course to equal FF (see department)

General Education Requirements

Interstate Passport

The Interstate Passport enables successful transfer of a block of lower-level general education learning to other institutions participating in the Interstate Passport Network. Students who complete their Passport at Utah Valley University will not be required to repeat or take additional course work to meet lower-division general education requirements in the Passport’s nine areas when they transfer to any other Passport institution. Utah Valley University will begin transcripting the Interstate Passport following the Fall 2016 semester. Students with an interest in achieving the Passport should see our website at http://www.uvu.edu/transfer/passport.html and contact their Advisor.

Associate in Arts/Science Degrees and Bachelor of Arts/Science Degrees

These requirements satisfy the General Education requirements for both the Associate in Arts and the Associate in Science Degrees, as well as the Bachelor of Arts and the Bachelor of Science Degrees at UVU, taking into account adjustments that may be required by academic departments to fulfill their specific needs. Honors courses with the same prefix and number also satisfy distribution requirements. Total core and distribution is 35 credits.

Core Requirements

These courses provide basic skills in logic, math, written and oral communications, health, and fitness.

Complete the following for 6 credits
ENGL 2010
Intermediate Academic Writing CC
and Intermediate Academic Writing CC
ENGL 1010
Introduction to Academic Writing CC
and Introduction to Academic Writing CC
or ENGH 1005 Literacies and Composition Across Contexts CC
Complete one of the following for 3 or 4 credits: 1
MAT 1030/1035Quantitative Reasoning QL3
STAT 1040/1045Introduction to Statistics QL3
MATH 1050/1055College Algebra QL4
MATH 1090College Algebra for Business QL3
Math Course 2

Students should enroll in MAT 1030 Quantitative Reasoning QL/MAT 1035 Quantitative Reasoning with Integrated Algebra QL unless STAT 1040 Introduction to Statistics QL/STAT 1045 Introduction to Statistics with Algebra QL is recommended for their major or they are planning to enroll in courses requiring MATH 1050 College Algebra QL as a prerequisite.


Select one MATH course that requires MATH 1050 College Algebra QL as a prerequisite or QL 1900 - Awarded based on achievement of the following test scores:
AP Calculus AB: 3 or higher, AP Calculus BC: 3 or higher, AP Statistics: 3 or higher, IB HL Math: 5 or higher, CLEP Pre-Calculus: 50 or higher, CLEP Calculus: 50 or higher, ACT Mathematics: 26 or higher, SAT Mathematics: 660 or higher.  QL1900 satisfies the General Education math requirement; however, certain majors may require MAT 1030 Quantitative Reasoning QL/MAT 1035 Quantitative Reasoning with Integrated Algebra QL, STAT 1040 Introduction to Statistics QL/STAT 1045 Introduction to Statistics with Algebra QL, or MATH 1050 College Algebra QL to be taken as a prerequisite for a higher level Math course.

Complete one of the folowing for 5 credits:
PHIL 2050/205G/205HEthics and Values IH3
HLTH 1100Personal Health and Wellness TE2
or EXSC 1097 Fitness for Life TE

American Institutions

Complete one of the following for 3 credits:
POLS 1000American Heritage AS3
HIST 2700
HIST 2710
US History to 1877 AS
and US History since 1877 AS
HIST 1700
American Civilization AS
and American Civilization AS
HIST 1740US Economic History AS3
POLS 1100American National Government AS3

Distribution Requirements

(18 Credits)

From Science, Humanities, Fine Arts, and Social/Behavioral Science


All majors must complete one course of Biology, one course of Physical Science, and one additional course from either of those two areas for a minimum total of 9 credits. One lab course is recommended.

Biology47 Credits
BIOL 1010/101HGeneral Biology BB3
BIOL 1011Introduction to Bioinformatics BB3
BIOL 1070Heredity BB3
BIOL 1200Prehistoric Life BB3
BIOL 1500Biological Anthropology BB3
BIOL 1610College Biology I BB4
BIOL 204RNatural History Excursion BB 13
BIOL 2500Environmental Biology BB3
BOT 2050Field Botany BB3
BOT 2100Flora of Utah BB3
BOT 2400Plant Kingdom BB4
BTEC 1010Fundamentals of Biotechnology I Career Survey BB3
NUTR 2020Nutrition Through the Life Cycle BB3
ZOOL 1090Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology BB3
ZOOL 2320/232HHuman Anatomy3

May be used as the third science only

Physical Science90 Credits
ASTR 1040/104HElementary Astronomy PP3
ASTR 1070/107HCultural Astronomy in Our Lives PP3
ASTR 1080Life in the Universe PP3
CHEM 1010Introduction to Chemistry PP3
CHEM 1110Elementary Chemistry for the Health Sciences PP4
CHEM 1210Principles of Chemistry I PP4
ENVT 1110Introduction to Environmental Management PP3
GEO 1010/101HIntroduction to Geology PP3
GEO 1030Natural Disasters and the Environment PP3
GEO 1040The Dinosaurian World PP3
GEO 1050Geology of National Parks PP3
GEO 1080Introduction to Oceanography PP3
GEO 204RNatural History Excursion PP 13
GEOG 1000Introduction to Physical Geography PP3
GEOG 1800Mapping the World with Geospatial Technology PP3
METO 1010Introduction to Meteorology PP3
METO 1060Fundamentals of Weather Forecasting PP3
PHSC 1000Survey of Physical Science PP3
PHYS 1010Elementary Physics PP3
PHYS 1700Descriptive Acoustics PP3
PHYS 1750The Acoustics of Music PP3
PHYS 1800Energy You and the Environment PP3
PHYS 1850The Physics of Aviation PP3
PHYS 2010College Physics I PP4
PHYS 2020College Physics II PP4
PHYS 2210Physics for Scientists and Engineers I PP4
PHYS 2220Physics for Scientists and Engineers II PP4
TECH 1010Understanding Technology PP 13

May be used as the third science only


One course minimum
AMST 2000Introduction to American Studies HH3
ASL 202GIntermediate American Sign Language II HH GI4
CHIN 202GIntermediate Chinese II HH GI4
CINE 2150Critical Introduction to Cinema Studies HH3
CINE 217GRace Class and Gender in U S Cinema GI HH3
COMM 1020Public Speaking HH3
COMM 1500Introduction to Mass Communication HH3
COMM 217GRace Class and Gender in U S Cinema GI HH3
ENGL 2030Writing for Social Change HH3
ENGL 2100Technical Communication HH WE3
ENGL 2130Science Fiction HH3
ENGL 2150Critical Introduction to Cinema Studies HH3
ENGL 217GRace Class and Gender in U S Cinema GI HH3
ENGL 2210Introduction to Folklore HH3
ENGL 220GIntroduction to World Literature HH GI3
ENGL 2230/223HMyths and Legends in Literature HH3
ENGL 2250/225HIntroduction to Creative Writing HH3
ENGL 2300/230HShakespeare HH3
ENGL 2510American Literature before 1865 HH3
ENGL 2520American Literature after 1865 HH3
ENGL 2600Critical Introduction to Literature HH3
ENGL 2610British Literature before 1800 HH3
ENGL 2620British Literature after 1800 HH3
ENGL 376GWorld Literature GI3
FREN 202GIntermediate French II HH GI4
GER 202GIntermediate German II HH GI4
GRK 2020Intermediate Ancient Greek II HH4
HUM 1010/101G/101HHumanities Through the Arts HH3
HUM 2010/201G/201HWorld History Through the Arts I HH3
HUM 2020/202G/202HWorld History Through the Arts II HH3
HUM 2100/210HAdventures of Ideas Through 1500 HH3
HUM 2200/220HAdventures of Ideas After 1500 HH3
HONR 2000Ancient Legacies HH3
JPNS 202GIntermediate Japanese II HH GI4
LATN 2020Intermediate Latin II HH4
PHIL 1000/100HIntroduction to Philosophy HH3
PHIL 1250Introduction to Logic and Critical Thinking HH3
PHIL 1610Introduction to Western Religions HH3
PHIL 1620Introduction to Eastern Religions HH3
PHIL 2110Ancient Greek Philosophy HH WE3
PHIL 2130Medieval Philosophy3
PHIL 2150Early Modern Philosophy HH3
PORT 202GIntermediate Portuguese II HH GI4
RUS 202GIntermediate Russian II HH GI4
SPAN 202GIntermediate Spanish II HH GI4

Fine Arts 

One course minimum
ART 1010Introduction to Visual Arts FF3
ART 1020Basic Drawing for Non-Majors FF3
ART 1050Photography I FF3
ART 1340Sculpture I FF3
ART 1350Ceramics I FF3
ART 1650Watercolor FF3
ART 2100Teaching Art for Children FF3
ART 2815Historical Architecture and Interior Design FF Historical Architecture and Interior Design FF3
ARTH 2710/271HPrehistoric Through Gothic Art History FF3
ARTH 2720/272HRenaissance Through Contemporary Art History FF3
CINE 2311Film History I FF3
DANC 1010Dance as an Art Form FF3
DANC 2100Teaching Dance for Children FF3
DANC 2110Orientation to Dance FF3
EGDT 1720Architectural Rendering FF3
MUSC 1010/101HIntroduction to Music FF3
MUSC 102GIntroduction to World Music FF GI3
MUSC 1030American Popular Music FF3
MUSC 1100Fundamentals of Music FF3
MUSC 2100Teaching Music for Children FF3
THEA 1013Introduction to Theatre FF WE3
THEA 1023Introduction to Film FF3
THEA 1033Acting I FF3
THEA 2100Teaching Theatre For Children FF3
THEA 2311Film History I FF3

Social/Behavioral Science 

One course minimum
ANTH 101GSocial Cultural Anthropology SS GI3
ANTH 1020Biological Anthropology3
ANTH 103GWorld Prehistory SS GI3
ANTH 180GIntroduction to American Indian Studies SS GI3
BESC 107GMulticultural Societies SS GI3
CJ 1010Introduction to Criminal Justice SS3
COMM 1050Introduction to Communication SS3
COMM 2110Interpersonal Communication SS3
ECON 1010Economics as a Social Science SS3
ECON 2010Principles of Economics I SS3
ENTR 2500Creativity and Entrepreneurial Thinking SS3
ES 1150Introduction to Emergency and Disaster Management SS3
FAMS 1150Marriage and Relationship Skills SS3
FIN 1060Personal Finance SS3
GEOG 130GSurvey of World Geography GI SS3
GEOG 140GIntroduction to Human Geography SS GI3
GEOG 2000Sustainability and Environment SS Sustainability and Environment SS3
GEOG 2100Geography of the United States SS3
HIST 1500World History to 1500 SS3
HIST 151GWorld History from 1500 to the Present SS GI3
HIST 1700/170HAmerican Civilization AS 13
HIST 1740US Economic History AS 13
HIST 2700/270HUS History to 1877 AS 13
HIST 2710/271HUS History since 1877 AS 13
HLSC 2600Drugs Behavior and Society SS3
HLSC 2800Human Sexuality SS3
MGMT 1010Introduction to Business SS3
MGMT 2030Inclusive Leadership SS3
POLS 1000American Heritage AS 13
POLS 1010Introduction to Political Science SS3
POLS 1100American National Government AS 13
POLS 2100Introduction to International Relations SS3
POLS 2200Introduction to Comparative Politics SS3
PSY 1010/101HGeneral Psychology SS3
PSY 1100Human Development Life Span SS3
PSY 2710Introduction to Brain and Behavior SS3
PSY 2800Human Sexuality SS3
SOC 1010/101HIntroduction to Sociology SS3
SOC 107GMulticultural Societies SS GI3
SOC 2600Sociology of the Family SS3

If not used as Core Requirement

Additional Guidelines for Completion of the Associate in Arts/Science Degrees

The Associate in Arts and the Associate in Science Degrees are designed to complete General Education requirements and could complete lower division pre-majors for baccalaureate degrees at UVU or other colleges or universities.

The General Education courses shown above constitute the majority of the credits required for these degrees. In addition to the General Education requirements, these degrees require 25 additional credit hours.

Associate in Arts Degrees require 8 hours of these 25 hours to be from the same recognized foreign language.

See your specific academic department for further information on appropriate course work to complete a pre-major or the remaining 25 hours. The Academic Counseling Center (LC 402) has some specific outlines available to transfer to other institutions.

Associate in Applied Science Degrees

This is a general outline. Refer to the department or Graduation Office for specific requirements. A total of 15 credit hours is required. Students must have a minimum of three credits in each area, except “F” (Physical Ed/Health/Safety/Environment).


Complete one of the following for 3 credits:3
Introduction to Academic Writing CC
MKTG 220GWritten Business Communication GI WE3


Complete one of the following for 3 credits:3
Intermediate Algebra
MAT 1015Intermediate Algebra with Integrated Review5
Any Higher Mathematics course
Any Departmental Mathematics Course approved by the GE Committee

Humanities/Fine Arts/Foreign Language

Complete one of the following for 3 credits:3
Ethics and Values IH 1
Any approved Humanities, Fine Arts, or Foreign Language Distribution Course

Highly recommended

Social and Behavioral Science

Complete one of the following for 3 credits:3
Organizational Behavior WE
Any approved Behavioral Science, Social or Political Science Distribution Course

Biology or Physical Science

Complete for 3 credits:3
Any approved Biology or Physical Science Distribution Course

Physical ED/Health/Safety or Environment

Complete for 1 credit:1
Any approved Physical Education, Health, Safety or Environment Course

Transfer Information

For students transferring to four-year Institutions, Colleges, and Universities in the Utah System of Higher Education.

UVU courses numbered 1000 or above will transfer within the Utah System of Higher Education. However, the application of these courses toward graduation is determined by academic departments of receiving institutions.

For students transferring to colleges and universities in the Utah System of Higher Education before earning an Associate in Arts or an Associate in Science Degree, or a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science Degree, a certified letter verifying completion of the UVU General Education requirements may be requested from the Graduation Office. This letter will cause the gaining institution (run by the State of Utah) to accept the completion of UVU General Education requirements as fulfilling all of the General Education/Liberal Education requirements of the gaining institution.

Note: Completion of an Associate in Arts/Science Degree waives only General Education requirements. It does not waive the necessary hours to graduate. A student transferring to another institution should check with that institution to see how their credits have been accepted toward their degree.

Private, Parochial, or Out-of-State Colleges & Universities

Since these schools are not bound by Utah State Regent's policies, colleges/universities outside the Utah System of Higher Education may have specific requirements and may not accept all courses available at UVU. Students should contact the institution they are transferring to in order to determine how their credits will be accepted.

Brigham Young University

Brigham Young University accepts the Associate in Arts/Science Degrees for completion of its General Education requirements. Courses with grades of “D+” or lower will not transfer. Some departments at BYU have specific General Education course requirements that will still need to be taken at BYU. Individual departments at BYU should be consulted for exceptions.

Note: BYU has a limit on the number of transfer students admitted.