Registrar's Office Graduation Department
Office: BA 113
Phone: 801-863-8438
General Graduation Requirements
Students are expected to familiarize themselves with the policies of the university and the requirements of their specific academic programs. Information regarding program graduation requirements is available in this catalog, and in a student's degree audit. Responsibility for satisfying all graduation requirements rests upon the student. The university reserves the right to change graduation requirements as needed/required to meet its mission, objectives, and obligations.
The university confers academic awards upon students who meet both the General Education requirements of the university and the specific requirements of their academic department(s).
Credit Requirement
Certificate/Degree | Number of Semester Credit Hours for Completion |
Academic Certificates | 9-36 credit hours |
Associate of Applied Science Degree | 60–69 credit hours (some disciplines may require more due to specialized accreditation) |
Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degree | 60–63 credit hours |
Specialized Associate’s degrees | 60-85 credit hours |
Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS)/Bachelor of Applied Studies (BAP) | 90-120 credit hours, 30 of which shall be upper-division credits (level 3000 and above) |
Baccalaureate degree (Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, and Professional Bachelor’s degrees) | 120–126 credit hours, 40 of which shall be upper-division credits (level 3000 and above) |
Please see the Graduate Studies website regarding credit requirements for master's degree programs.
Grade Point Average (GPA) Requirement
A minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 is required for graduation. In some programs, specific course grades below 2.0 (C) will not be accepted for graduation and some programs require a higher cumulative grade point average (see individual program requirements).
Graduation Catalog Requirement
Candidates for graduation will be held to the requirements of the catalog year of their declared program. A student must have attended UVU during a catalog year to use those requirements towards graduation. Catalogs expire after a set number of years:
- Bachelor's Degrees: 7 years
- Associate Degrees: 5 years
- Undergraduate Academic Certificates: 5 years
- Masters Degrees: 6 years
- Graduate Academic Certificates: 6 years
The expiration clock starts the term the student is declared in a degree. If a student is unable to complete their program within the maximum timeframe, they will need to consult with their academic advisor and move to an active catalog. This may result in a change in program requirements.
Programs that are no longer offered may not be pursued by students who were not admitted or formally matriculated in them during the accepted period of time. Students who were admitted or matriculated into a program while it was offered must complete the program prior to the expiration of the program's final catalog year. Students may not combine portions of different catalogs to fulfill graduation requirements. Once a catalog is selected, students must abide by all the graduation requirements specified within that catalog. Minors can only be sought if offered during that catalog year.
In some cases, the university may not have the resources to allow a student to remain in a discontinued program, even if the catalog has not yet expired. In these cases, students may have to be moved to a newer catalog or a different program.
Global/Intercultural Requirement
The Global/Intercultural requirement is a graduation requirement at the bachelor's degree level. Courses that may be used to complete this requirement will be coded with a GI course attribute. The purpose of the Global/Intercultural requirement is to assist students to become better prepared to understand and participate in the global and cultural interdependencies that characterize our world. For a complete listing of the courses offered at UVU that fulfill this requirement, see the Courses section of this catalog for course numbers ending in “G”.
Students who take courses at another university and want to use those courses for the Global/Intercultural requirement must petition through the GI committee. See the Registrar’s Office for further information.
Writing Enriched Requirement
The Writing Enriched (WE) requirement is part of the bachelor's degree curriculum. Every student earning a bachelor’s degree must successfully complete at least two WE-designated courses. These courses are identified by a WE course attribute. The purpose of the WE requirement is to help students learn the writing conventions and genres of their disciplines and professions, so they are better prepared for the writing necessary in their chosen career. Students who wish to apply courses taken at another institution toward this requirement must petition through their academic department.
Residence Requirement
All UVU degrees and credentials require credit hours earned in residency (UVU credits). These credits can be earned at a UVU campus or site, through any delivery method, and through high school concurrent enrollment. Minimum hours are as follows:
- Academic certificates require 25% of earned credit hours (rounded up)
- Associate's degrees require 15 credit hours
- Bachelor's of Applied Studies (BAP) and Bachelor's of Applied Science (BAS) degrees require 21 credit hours
- Bachelor's of Arts (BA) and Bachelor's of Science (BS) degrees require 30 credit hours (10 credits of those 30 shall have been completed within the last 45 credit hours earned for the degree)
Multiple Academic Awards
Students may earn multiple certificates.
Students may earn multiple associate degrees. The following conditions apply:
- The requirements for each degree must be fully satisfied
- Each degree must be differentiated by at least 15 credit hours that are not applied to previously earned degrees
Students may earn multiple Bachelor's degrees. The following conditions apply:
- The requirements for each degree must be fully satisfied
- Each degree must be differentiated by at least 30 credit hours that are not applied to previously earned degrees
Multiple Emphases
Students may complete multiple emphases under a specific bachelor’s degree. Additional emphases shall appear on transcripts, but no additional diplomas shall be awarded. The following conditions apply:
- Departmental approval is required for each emphasis
- The requirements for each emphasis must be fully satisfied
- Emphases are not standalone credentials and shall be awarded only in conjunction with a bachelor's degree
Double Majors (One degree with two majors)
A bachelor’s degree with two majors may be awarded when a student completes all requirements for two programs and does not meet the additional 30 semester hours required for a second bachelor’s degree. The student shall receive a single bachelor’s degree; the diploma and transcript shall list both majors. The following conditions apply:
- Students shall apply for graduation for only one degree type, such as a Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts, when applying for a double major. The degree type shall match the primary declared major
- To be awarded a double major, students shall complete both programs before or during the semester of graduation. If a student has already graduated in one of the majors, they cannot apply for a double major. After being awarded a double major, students cannot apply for graduation for one of the majors separately
- Both majors must be from the same catalog year
- Students cannot receive minors in either major but may be awarded a minor from another area if all requirements are met
Degree Requirements
Bachelor of Arts/Science Degrees
Graduation requirements for the Bachelor of Arts/Science Degrees are:
- Completion of a minimum of 120 semester credits, or more if specified by program requirements
- Overall grade point average of 2.0 (C) or above. Departments may require a higher GPA
- Residency hours: A minimum of 30 credit hours through course attendance at UVU, with at least 10 hours earned in the last 45 hours
- At least 40 credit hours in upper division courses
- Completion of General Education requirements
- Completion of specific departmental (major) requirements
- Completion of a Global/Intercultural course
- Completion of two Writing Enriched courses
For a Bachelor of Arts Degree, students must complete 16 credit hours of coursework from one language to include the 1010, 1020, 2010 and 202G levels, or transferred equivalents.
Note: Academic departments may require specific General Education courses in addition to major requirements.
Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS)/Bachelor of Applied Studies (BAP) Degrees
Graduation requirements for the BAS/BAP Degrees are:
- Completion of a minimum of 90 semester credits, or more if specified by program requirements
- Overall grade point average of 2.0 (C) or above. Departments may require a higher GPA
- Residency hours: A minimum of 21 credit hours through course attendance at UVU
- At least 30 credit hours in upper division courses
- Completion of General Education requirements
- Completion of specific departmental (major) requirements
- Completion of a Global/Intercultural course
- Completion of two Writing Enriched courses
Associate in Arts/Science Degrees1
Graduation requirements for the Associate in Arts/Science Degrees are:
- Completion of a minimum of 60 or more semester credits
- Overall grade point average of 2.0 (C) or above. Departments may require higher GPA
- Residency hours - A minimum of 15 credit hours earned through course attendance at UVU
- Completion of General Education requirements
- Completion of specific departmental (major) requirements
Note: Academic departments may require specific General Education courses in addition to major requirements.
- 1
The Associate in Arts Degree differs from the Associate in Science Degree in that a minimum of 8 credits must be earned in the same Foreign Language.
Language Proficiency
A second language is required to obtain the Associate in Arts Degree. This language must be different from the student’s native language. Language proficiency may be demonstrated by any one of the following methods:
- Eight credits of the same language taken at UVU or transferred from another college
- Application of foreign language through credit for prior learning
Language credit does not apply to the General Education Humanities Distribution area (except for any 202G course) but will apply as elective credit in the Associate in Arts/Science Degree and as Humanities credit for the Associate in Applied Science Degree.
Associate in Applied Science Degrees
Graduation requirements for the Associate in Applied Science Degrees are:
- Completion of a minimum of 60 semester credits
- Overall grade point average of 2.0 (C) or above
- Residency hours - A minimum of 15 credit hours earned through course attendance at UVU
- Completion of departmental General Education requirements
- Completion of specific departmental major requirements
Academic Certificates
Academic Certificates require 9-36 credit hours. 25% of earned credits must be earned in residency at UVU. See department program listings for details regarding specific certificates.
Master's/Graduate Degrees
The requirements for graduate degrees vary considerably. Please see Graduate Studies for more information.
General Graduation Information
Application for Graduation
Students should submit a graduation application for each degree or certificate they will complete. In some cases, UVU will automatically award certificates and associate degrees to eligible students who have completed all relevant requirements. Students will be notified via email when a credential has been automatically awarded.
Degrees and certificates are awarded each semester. Diplomas are given for graduate, bachelor’s, and associate’s degrees, and are mailed to graduates after graduation requirements are verified at the end of the semester. Students failing to complete their degree or certificate in their intended semester may be required to apply for graduation in a future semester.
In addition to the requirements of their program, students must resolve any Missing (M) or Incomplete (I) grades, or other grade changes. If the student intends to fulfill any degree requirements using transfer credit or any form of credit for prior learning, including standardized exams, these credits must be posted by relevant graduation deadlines.
Commencement exercises are held once each year at the end of spring semester. Students who have completed their graduation requirements during the summer, fall, or spring of that academic year are invited to participate. Attendance is strongly encouraged, but not mandatory.
Graduates are only permitted to walk within their graduating academic year. Summer graduates have the option to walk in the spring ceremony prior to their final summer term, or in the following academic year ceremony. If they walk in the spring ceremony prior to their degree completion, they may not walk with honors and will not be eligible to be valedictorian for their College/School. In addition, they may only be missing 12 credits or less at the time of the ceremony, or be fully enrolled in all remaining requirements to be eligible to walk in the early ceremony.
Financial Holds
Candidates for graduation who owe money to UVU will not receive a diploma until all debts are paid.
Graduation with Distinction
Honors designations are computed on hours completed; 20 hours minimum for associate degrees and 30 hours minimum for bachelor's degrees. These distinctions are awarded and based only upon cumulative GPA and are not related to participation in the UVU Honors Program. Graduate students do not qualify for honors distinction. Honors at graduation are available to students who meet the following minimum cumulative grade point averages:
Associate Degrees
- Honors GPA 3.60
- High Honors GPA 3.80
Bachelor's Degrees
- Cum Laude GPA 3.60
- Magna Cum Laude GPA 3.80
- Summa Cum Laude GPA 3.90
Each of the Colleges and Schools of the university will select a valedictorian from a list (supplied by the Registrar's Office Graduation department) of candidates graduating with honors during the academic year. The status of valedictorian is determined by each college/school, based on competitive criteria. Contact individual colleges/schools for requirements and details.