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Physics Education, B.S.

Visit the Physics Department page for more information on the program and access to advising.

Program Description

Prepares the student to teach high school physics and AP physics. The program allows for those interested to supplement their studies with extra courses in physics or other science through elective upper division credit. A seminar course provides the student with exposure to careers in physics.

Matriculation Requirements

  1. Students are admitted directly to the Baccalaureate degree program in Physics Education upon acceptance to the Secondary Education Program.
  2. Students must obtain the departmental Advisor's signature on an approved program plan prior to enrollment in their second semester of study.

Secondary Education Requirements

  1. ENGL and MATH QL courses must have a grade C or higher.
  2. GPA of 2.7 or higher with no grade lower than a C in content area courses.
  3. Completion of all General Education requirements and 70% of content area courses.
  4. Pass LiveScan Criminal Background Check.