Visit the Dental Hygiene page for more information on the program and access to advising.
Program Description
Dental hygienists examine patients for signs of oral diseases, such as gingivitis, and provide preventive care, including oral hygiene. Working in a private dental office continues to be the primary place of employment for dental hygienists. For today’s dental hygiene professional, there are many other career pathways to explore as well.
Matriculation Requirements:
1. ENGL 1010 Introduction to Academic Writing or ENGH 1005 Literacies and Composition Across Contexts, CHEM 1110 Elementary Chemistry for the Health Sciences, BIOL 1610 College Biology I or BIOL 1610H College Biology I, ZOOL 2320 Human Anatomy/ZOOL 2325 Human Anatomy Laboratory and ZOOL 2420 Human Physiology/ZOOL 2425 Human Physiology Laboratory with a minimum of a "C" grade or higher.
2. Complete the HSRT - Health Science Reasoning Test.
3. Complete 20 hours of clinical/dental office observation.
4. Submit two letters of reference by either a current supervisor/employer or academic instructor.
5. Submit a 2 page essay on topic provided by department.
6. Submit the Dental Hygiene Application Fee by February 1.
7. Complete interview process and be formally accepted into program.
Graduation Plan
This graduation plan is a sample plan and is intended to be a guide. Your specific plan may differ based on your Math and English placement and/or transfer credits applied. You are encouraged to meet with an advisor and set up an individualized graduation plan in Wolverine Track.
Plan of Study Grid First Year |
Semester 1 |
| |
ENGL 1010
| Introduction to Academic Writing
or Literacies and Composition Across Contexts | 3 |
| 3 |
| Quantitative Reasoning | |
| Quantitative Reasoning with Integrated Algebra | |
| Introduction to Statistics | |
| Introduction to Statistics with Algebra | |
| College Algebra | |
| College Algebra with Preliminaries | |
| |
COMM 1020 | Public Speaking | 3 |
PSY 1010 | General Psychology | 3 |
SOC 1010G | Intro to Sociology | 3 |
| Credit Hours | 15 |
Semester 2 |
BIOL 1610 | College Biology I | 4 |
NUTR 1020 | Foundations of Human Nutrition | 3 |
CHEM 1110 | Elementary Chemistry for the Health Sciences | 4 |
| Credit Hours | 11 |
Second Year |
Semester 3 |
ZOOL 2320 | Human Anatomy | 3 |
ZOOL 2325 | Human Anatomy Laboratory | 1 |
ZOOL 2420 | Human Physiology | 3 |
ZOOL 2425 | Human Physiology Laboratory | 1 |
MICR 2060 | Microbiology for Health Professions | 3 |
MICR 2065 | Microbiology for Health Professions Laboratory | 1 |
| Credit Hours | 12 |
Semester 4 |
DENT 1010 | Dental Hygiene I | 3 |
DENT 1015 | Dental Hygiene I Preclinical lab | 2 |
DENT 1020 | Oral Anatomy and Physiology | 4 |
DENT 1070 | Medical Emergencies in the Dental Office | 2 |
DENT 1050 | Clinical Dental Radiography | 1 |
DENT 1055 | Clinical Dental Radiography Lab | 1 |
| Credit Hours | 13 |
Third Year |
Semester 5 |
DENT 2020 | Dental Pharmacology | 3 |
DENT 1040 | Dental Hygiene II | 3 |
DENT 1045 | Dental Hygiene II Clinical | 3 |
DENT 1030 | Dental Materials | 2 |
DENT 1060 | General and Oral Pathology | 2 |
| Credit Hours | 13 |
Semester 6 |
DENT 3010 | Pain Management | 3 |
DENT 3015 | Dental Hygiene III Clinical | 4 |
DENT 3030 | Periodontology | 3 |
DENT 2060G | Oral Public Health | 3 |
| Credit Hours | 13 |
Fourth Year |
Semester 7 |
DENT 3040 | Dental Hygiene IV | 2 |
DENT 3045 | Dental Hygiene IV Clinical | 4 |
DENT 3050 | Ethics and Practice Management | 1 |
| Credit Hours | 7 |
| Total Credit Hours | 84 |