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Healthcare Administration, B.S.

The Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Administration provides students a solid foundation in the skills necessary to serve as an effective and competent administrator within any healthcare setting. Healthcare Administration graduates are prepared to work in entry and middle management positions within public, private, and non-profit health agencies. Responsibilities include administration and management tasks such as developing, planning, managing, and leading healthcare operations and services, and directing changes in healthcare laws and regulations. The Department of Public Health strives to schedule courses to allow students to complete these requirements within a four-year timeframe while meeting the needs of traditional and non-traditional students.

Matriculation Requirements

In order to be matriculated into the 'Healthcare Administration' program, students must:

  1. Complete: ENGL 1010 or ENGH 1005, ENGL 2010, BIOL 1010 OR BIOL 1610, and MATH 1050 or 1055 or MATH 1090 with a minimum grade of a C- or higher (with the exception of ENGH 1005 which requires a grade of C or higher) and a GPA of 3.0 in these courses

Students will be required to complete the catalog requirements in effect for the semester in which matriculation is granted