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History and Social Studies Education, B.S.

Visit the History and Political Science Department page for more information on the program and access to advising.

Program Description

The BS in History and Social Sciences Education prepares teacher candidates to meet the UETS (Utah Effective Teaching Standards) and the InTASC (Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium) Standards in history and social sciences education. The program is to provide coursework and experiences that will prepare competent, caring, and qualified individuals who are ready to assume the role of teacher and to prepare them for further career choices and advancement. Candidates enter the program at the junior level of their undergraduate education where they have completed general education and pre-program required courses and in so doing have a background in the arts and sciences which prepares them with a general content knowledge base.

Matriculation Requirements

1. ENGL and MATH QL courses must have a grade C or higher

2. GPA of 3.0 or higher with no grade lower than a C in content area courses.  

3. Completion of all General Education requirements and 70% of content area courses.  

4. Pass LiveScan Criminal Background Check.