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Human Resource Management, B.S.

Visit the Organizational Leadership Department page for more information on the program and access to advising.

Program Description

The HRM program will provide students with practical and applied skills, experience in applying those skills, and a variety of intellectual tools to prepare them for HRM careers in business, government, and non-profit organizations. The proposed classes, engaged pedagogy, and instructors will aim to prepare students for staffing organizations, setting and advising procedures for recruitment, interview, and placement. Additionally, students will be prepared for carrying out disciplinary action, tracking leave and absences, and ensuring the health, safety, and development of organizational employees. HR graduates will also be prepared to advise company management on labor law issues.

Matriculation Requirements

Matriculation Requirements21 Credits
One of the following:
My Educator
Business Computer Proficiency (3) (Complete with B- grade or higher)
Spreadsheet Applications (3) (Complete with B- grade or higher)
MKTG 2200GWritten Business Communication (Complete with B- grade or higher)3
MKTG 2390Professional Business Presentations3
MGMT 2340Business Statistics I3
or STAT 2040 Principles of Statistics
ECON 2010Principles of Economics I3
ACC 2110Principles of Accounting I3
MGMT 2240Business Quantitative Analysis3
or MATH 1100 Survey of Calculus
MGMT 2400Data Analytics for Business3