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Social Work, B.S.W.

The UVU Behavioral Science Department offers classes that fulfill the social science distribution requirements for graduation, the Behavioral Science pre-major for the associate degree, the Behavioral Science major for the bachelor degree (with an emphasis in Anthropology, Family Studies, Psychology, or Sociology, a Bachelor of Social Work, and a Certificate of Proficiency in Substance Use Disorder Counseling (SUDC).

Matriculation Requirements

Admission to the BSW program includes the following requirements:

  1. Completion of all general education courses.
  2. Completion of SW 1010 Introduction to Social Work with a B- grade or higher.
  3. Completion of ENGL 1010 Introduction to Academic Writing CC or ENGH 1005 Literacies and Composition Across Contexts CC and ENGL 2010 Intermediate Academic Writing CC with a C+ grade or higher.
  4. Overall GPA of 2.5 or higher.
  5. Approval of the Social Work Admissions Committee.