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Portuguese, Minor

Visit the Languages and Cultures Department page for more information on the program and access to advising.

Program Description

The Portuguese minor pairs well with any degree major that UVU offers. It provides students with an intermediate-advance knowledge of the Portuguese language and societies that speak Portuguese, including immigrant communities. The Portuguese minor enhances careers in the global and multicultural spheres, and shapes students to be respectful and appreciative of cultures and backgrounds different from one’s own. Students will attain an intermediate knowledge and understanding of the culture, society and history from the Portuguese speaking world in general, and from Brazil in particular, and have a basic familiarity with Brazil’s position in and influence on world. Study abroad is strongly encouraged both for language acquisition and the attainment of cultural competency.

Matriculation Requirements

  1. A minimum grade of "C" must be earned in all minor courses.1

Completion of Baccalaureate Degree.