Family Science (FAMS)

To register for courses and see a real-time listing of classes and sections offered, view the add/drop system.

FAMS 1150.  Marriage and Relationship Skills SS.  (3 Credits)  
Guides students in building a lasting intimate relationship of their own and in understanding and teaching relationship maintenance and improvement strategies based on large-scale scientifically derived marriage and relationship principles. Utilizes cutting edge research on factors and issues related to relationship success and outcome including whom and when to marry and how to build stable and happy relationships over time. Stresses increased understanding of desirable relationship outcomes and how to achieve them.
FAMS 1500.  Human Development Life Span.  (3 Credits)  
Explores genetic and environmental influences on human development and behavior from conception and birth through old age and death. Examines typical physical, cognitive, and psychosocial changes at each developmental stage throughout the lifespan. Explores major theoretical perspectives on human development.. Emphasizes how the context of family influences development of the individual.
FAMS 240G.  Contemporary Family Relations GI.  (3 Credits)  
Examines dynamics of the healthy family using family theory, individual life span development, research, and active learning experiences. Analyzes variations within families due to form, gender, socioeconomic status, culture, race, and other factors. Focuses on the diversity of family organization, interaction patterns, parenting practices, values, and prejudice in a multicultural society. Fulfills the Global/Intercultural requirement.
Canvas Course Mats $76/Sage applies.
FAMS 2705.  Ethics for Family Interventions WE.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): ENGL 1010, ENGL 101H, or ENGH 1005 with a C or higher
Explores the ethical and legal responsibilities of the helping professional in various types of family intervention, including counseling, education, and case management. Examines the broad scope of these ethical and legal concerns and how they are applied in a variety of settings.
FAMS 2800.  Teaching Human Sexuality.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): (ENGL 1010, ENGL 101H, or ENGH 1005 with a C or higher)
Introduces basic concepts of human sexuality and effective methods to teach these topics to adults, adolescents, and children. Discusses gender roles, sexual orientation, sexual dysfunction, and sexually transmitted disease. Examines sexuality from the perspective of ethics, religion, the law, and education. Requires students to assess their own sexual attitudes and acquire information that should enable them to make responsible sexuality decisions. Educates students in how to teach human sexuality effectively regardless of any biases or individual beliefs. Note: Due to Utah State Laws regarding sexuality education, students registering for FAMS 2800 must be 18 years of age or a high school graduate.
FAMS 3020.  Research Methods for Family Science WE.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): University Advanced Standing
Surveys the most common research designs in the social sciences. Highlights experiments, quasi-experiments, correlational designs, survey research, single case, and the philosophy of qualitative methods. Includes the design of a study, original data collection, data analysis, presentation of results.
FAMS 3050.  Clinical Skills for Helping Professions.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): University Advanced Standing
Introduces basic clinical skills for helping professionals, including biopsychosocial evaluation, psychometric screeners, and safety assessments for life and relational stress and general mental health symptomatology. Investigates best-practice skills for evaluating individual and family situations and outcomes. Explores self-compassion and self-care for competent and ethical practice. Examines new and evolving clinical approaches for individuals and families served by helping professions.
FAMS 3100.  Career and Graduate School Preparation.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): University Advanced Standing
Emphasizes the development of skills necessary to apply for employment and/or graduate school in the field of family studies. Includes resume writing, cover letters, basic interview skills, preparation of application packages, and networking skills used with school and community resources to find employment and/or graduate school opportunities.
FAMS 3250.  Applied Parenting.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): (ENGL 2010 or ENGL 201H with a C grade or higher) and University Advanced Standing
Exposes students to classical and contemporary parenting theory, research, and practice. Focuses on the application of the guidance of children. Includes the study of parenting concepts, challenges, risks, and alternatives while considering the social, physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual environments of the child.
FAMS 3300.  Trauma-Informed Care.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): University Advanced Standing
Introduces trauma-informed care in working with vulnerable populations (e.g. addictions, adoption, domestic violence, abuse & neglect, military service, emergency management, etc.). Explores a broad range of neurobiosocial factors that influence the development and presentation of trauma in individuals, and will explore several frameworks used to identify the ways that trauma may present in those for which we serve. Investigates current evidence-informed frameworks and modalities for conceptualizing trauma. Requires a foundational knowledge of human development and family systems.
FAMS 3500.  Family Demography.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): University Advanced Standing
Explores family life, modern and historical, through the lens of population science. Focuses on how patterns of fertility, mortality, and migration have shaped global and domestic family life and projections for the future of families.
FAMS 3800.  Early Development in Families.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): (ENGL 2010 or ENGL 201H with a C or higher) and University Advanced Standing
Studies physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development from conception through adolescence. Emphasizes normal child development within family, social, and cultural contexts.
FAMS 3850.  Adult Development and Aging.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): (ENGL 2010 or ENGL 201H with C or higher) and University Advanced Standing
Explores the dynamic process of adult development from emerging adulthood to death. Focuses on current adult developmental research and theory and the development of adults within and without the family system. Includes the examination of physical, familial, emotional, and social development.
FAMS 4040.  Secondary Data Analysis.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): PSY 3110; FAMS 3020; (ENGL 2010 or ENGL 201H with a C or higher); and University Advanced Standing
Focuses on research in the academic discipline of Family Studies. Teaches how to use the tools of research as a problem solving resource in real-life and applied settings. Includes how to form a research question or hypothesis, develop a proposal, create measurement, and apply for IRB approval. Requires completion of a research project.
FAMS 4300.  Family Dispute Resolution.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): COMM 3410 or instructor approval; and University Advanced Standing
Builds on fundamentals learned in the basic mediation course. Reviews research and theories on family dynamics and conflicts. Examines the most effective mediation approaches, techniques, and skills for resolving family disputes. Presents information on specialized family mediation situations such as family mediation divorce, parent/teen, adoption, elder care. Prepares students to effectively participate in family mediations by utilizing an interactive workshop format with role-play, observation, and actual mediations.
FAMS 4400.  Family Policy.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): (FAMS 240G or PSY 1010 or SOC 1010) and (ENGL 2010 or ENGL 201H with a C grade or higher) and University Advanced Standing
Creates an understanding of the role of family professionals as advocates for the institution of the family. Covers family theories and research methods which aid in critically analyzing current policy development and implementation patterns in Utah and the United States. Utilizes the developmental theory in support of advocacy for family members in all their diverse structures, ages, and life stages. Canvas Course Mats $53/VitalS applies.
FAMS 4500.  Family Life Education Methodology WE.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): (FAMS 240G) and (ENGL 2010 or ENGL 201H with a C grade or higher) and University Advanced Standing
Explores the field of family life education. Includes the history, development, and theory of family life education, as well as discussing the types of family-life education programs. Develops the knowledge and practical skills that are required to identify needs, design programs, teach family-life education, facilitate groups, and evaluate participants and programs in a wide variety of settings with a broad range of populations. Develops an appreciation for the impact of diversity in family-life education, which includes an awareness of multicultural factors, family structure, culture, economics, gender, race, religion, disability, ageism, and sexual orientation.
FAMS 4600.  Relationship Education Certification.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): FAMS 240G and (ENGL 2010 or 2020 with a C+ or higher) and University Advanced Standing. FAMS 4500 is strongly encouraged but not required.
Certifies students in the Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program and other relationship curricula.
FAMS 4660.  Family Financial and Resource Management.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): FAMS 240G strongly recommended; University Advanced Standing
Introduces students to the fundamentals of family financial management. Focuses on norms, roles, values, and traditions of financial management in family systems. Evaluates emotional, subjective, and unstructured patterns, which contribute to financial mismanagement. Considers personal and social influences, including, marketing, holidays, spending pressure, goal definition, and debt accumulation.
FAMS 4670.  Family Dynamics and Systems.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): (FAMS 240G) and (ENGL 2010 or ENGL 201H with a C grade or higher) and University Advanced Standing
Introduces the fundamentals of family dynamics and systems as they relate to family structure and function. Focuses on historical development, theoretical underpinnings, and applied utility of dynamics and systems. Includes boundary management, infraction, and renewal in contemporary family systems.
FAMS 4680.  Family Theory.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): FAMS 240G and (ENGL 2010 or 2020 with a C+ or higher) and University Advanced Standing
Explores the development and application of the major family theories and their tenets. Discusses the effectiveness of these theoretical approaches to family.
FAMS 4700.  Introduction to Marriage and Family Therapy.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): FAMS 240G, and University Advanced Standing
Introduces the field of marriage and family therapy. Addresses history, theory, prominent clinicians and modalities, and therapeutic topics and techniques. Develops the knowledge of such topics as the systemic nature of therapy. Focuses on knowledge of theory and specific topics in therapy rather than skill development. Includes research, training, professional issues, and ethics in the field.
FAMS 475R.  Current Topics in Family Studies.  (1-3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): FAMS 240G and (ENGL 2010 or ENGL 201H with a C grade or higher) and University Advanced Standing
Explores current topics in Family Science tailored to instructor and student interests. May be repeated for a maximum of 9 credits toward graduation.
FAMS 481R.  Community Practicum.  (1-8 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Department approval and University Advanced Standing
Provides practical experience in a governmental, corporate, or private agency to prepare for regular employment. Practicum placements require program approval by the faculty coordinator. May be repeated for up to 8 credits toward graduation.
FAMS 482R.  Stronger Families Practicum.  (1-8 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Senior Standing in the Family Science program, FAMS 3050, FAMS 4500, permission of the instructor, and University Advanced Standing
Provides practical and research experience interning in the Stronger Families Program. Supervised by faculty, staff, and agency representatives. Requires faculty approval. May be repeated for a maximum of 8 credits toward graduation.
Course fee of $35 applies.
FAMS 483R.  Research Assistant Independent Study.  (1-8 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Department approval and University Advanced Standing
Provides research experience. Includes idea formation, survey creation, data collection, marketing, data cleaning, qualitative coding, codebook creation, data analysis, gathering or summarizing literature, or preparing presentations/manuscripts. May be graded credit/no credit. May be repeated for up to eight credits toward graduation.
FAMS 485R.  Internship Seminar.  (1 Credit)  
Prerequisite(s): Junior standing in the Family Studies emphasis, FAMS 4500, permission of instructor, and University Advanced Standing
Provides integration of classroom learning with learning that takes place in an on-site internship. Intended to be taken concurrently with FAMS 481R or FAMS 482R. May be repeated for a maximum of 8 credits toward graduation.
FAMS 490R.  Independent Study.  (1-3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Instructor approval and University Advanced Standing
Requires students to complete a well-defined project or directed study related to an area of special interest. Requires individual initiative and responsibility. Includes limited formal instruction and faculty supervision. Includes writing a publishable paper, passing a competency exam, producing an annotated bibliography, oral presentation, or other options as approved by instructor. May be repeated for a maximum of six credits toward graduation.
FAMS 4940.  Family Science Seminar.  (1 Credit)  
Prerequisite(s): Declared FAMS or FAON Major. University Advanced Standing.
Explores Family Science as a discipline through readings, videos, and exploratory assignments. Introduces students to faculty in the program and encourages the development of specialized knowledge in a specific area of the field.