Marketing (MKTG)

To register for courses and see a real-time listing of classes and sections offered, view the add/drop system.

MKTG 1890.  Introduction to Careers in Business.  (1 Credit)  
Explores a wide variety of professional opportunities available in business including required skills, emerging trends, economic conditions, and workforce demands. Identifies and examines professional strengths, skills, and interests that add value in the workplace. Assists emerging candidates to align their abilities with industry needs. Initiates professional networking and internship opportunities. Requires professional outreach. Includes demonstrations, role playing and application exercises.
MKTG 220G.  Written Business Communication GI WE.  (3 Credits)  
Teaches written business correspondence and business reports using direct and indirect approaches. Emphasizes analysis of audience and purpose in drafting documents with accurate and clear content, organization, and style. Includes application of punctuation, grammar, and usage principles to business writing situations. Emphasizes teamwork and collaboration. Teaches how to interrelate respectfully with individuals representing cultures and perspectives other than one’s own.
Lab access fee of $13 for computers applies.
Canvas Course Mats $29/Peerceptiv applies.
MKTG 2390.  Professional Business Presentations.  (3 Credits)  
Teaches business presentation skills. Emphasizes planning, developing, delivering, and evaluating business presentations. Includes informative and persuasive formats in diverse settings using a variety of media.
Lab access fee of $13 for computers applies.
MKTG 259R.  Current Topics in Marketing.  (1-3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Department Chair Approval
Provides exposure to emerging topics of current interest in marketing. Topics vary each semester. May apply a maximum of three hours toward graduation.
MKTG 281R.  Marketing Cooperative Work Experience.  (1-3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Internship Orientation and Departmental Approval
Provides opportunities to apply classroom theory on the job. Students work as paid employees in a job that relates to their careers while enrolled at the college. Credit is determined by the number of hours a student works during the semester. Completers meet individually set goals. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits toward graduation. Graded Credit/No Credit.
MKTG 290R.  Independent Study.  (0.5-3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Department Chair Approval
Provides independent study as directed in reading and individual projects specifically related to the Marketing field at the discretion and approval of the Dean and/or Department Chair. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits toward graduation.
MKTG 3170.  Digital Advertising.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): University Advanced Standing; MKTG 3660 Recommended
Teaches advanced digital advertising concepts and skills, including social, display, search, and video advertising as well as campaign management and decision making based on key metrics. Includes a digital advertising project and preparation for industry certifications in advertising.
MKTG 3220.  Retail Management.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): University Advanced Standing; MKTG 3600 Recommended
Combines theoretical concepts with practical applications from a strategic management perspective. Includes lectures and discussions of current events within the retail industry to provide the primary basis for the integration of course materials with actual retail enterprise operations. Includes participation in a number of experiential learning exercises such as group and individual case analyses, outside research on the retail industry and specific retail firms, class presentations, guest speakers, and quizzes on selected retailing issues and practices.
Lab access fee of $13 for computers applies.
Canvas Course Mats $85/McGraw applies
MKTG 3300.  Marketing Analytics.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): University Advanced Standing
Provides a rigorous introduction to the exciting world of marketing analytics. Teaches the concepts, principles, and frameworks of marketing analytics from the perspective of a marketing strategist applying current marketing theory. Develops key skills required to understand current trends and make predictions based on available data.
MKTG 335G.  International Marketing GI.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): University Advanced Standing; MKTG 3600 Recommended
Presents the problems of marketing in the international marketplace and how marketers approach and solve them. Focuses on concepts and principles by teaching the theory and practice of international marketing through the use of practical examples and actual case studies of international (both US and foreign) marketing organizations. Includes international marketing position of the US, market entry strategies, analysis of foreign markets, culture and marketing, product design, pricing, distribution, promotion and sales.
May be delivered online.
Lab access fee of $13 for computers applies.
MKTG 3460.  Internal Marketing and Corporate Imaging.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): MKTG 3600 and University Advanced Standing
Introduces students to the fundamentals of Internal Marketing and Corporate Imaging. Focuses on internal marketing strategy, critical incident management, organizational change, employer brand, cause marketing, corporate citizenship, internal business communication and event management. Includes other topics, such as contingency planning, organizational culture, employee programs and training, motivation and internal reward programs. Includes case analysis, lectures, class discussions, group work and evaluation, videos, oral presentations, written assignments and guest speakers.
MKTG 3600.  Principles of Marketing.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): University Advanced Standing
Studies consumers, markets, and environments from the perspective of the marketing manager. Covers the fundamentals of customer behavior, market research, marketing strategy, product management, pricing, professional selling, distribution, and promotion. Includes case analysis, lectures, class discussions, videos, oral presentations, written assignments, guest speakers, and a marketing plan project.
Lab access fee of $13 applies.
MKTG 3620.  Consumer Behavior.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): University Advanced Standing; MKTG 3600 Recommended
Includes an analysis of consumer spending and saving habits, product preferences, shopping behavior, leisure time patterns, and social change. Explores the influence of advertising, selling and fashion trends. Includes lectures, class discussions, videos, projects, case analyses, oral presentations, written assignments, and guest speakers.
Lab access fee of $13 for computers applies.
MKTG 3630.  Services Marketing.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): University Advanced Standing; MKTG 3600 Recommended
Presents skills and attitudes necessary to market services and to provide good customer service. Emphasizes the marketing skills involved in marketing services and basic marketing concepts, including positive customer relations, effectively handling customer complaints, and sound customer service procedures. Focuses on developing successful service marketing strategies that can be applied in a business organizational setting. Includes lectures, guest speakers, video tapes, role plays, case analysis, oral presentations, and written assignments.
Lab access fee of $13 for computers applies.
MKTG 3640.  Sales Management.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): University Advanced Standing
Analyzes the factors that go into managing a sales force. Teaches sales management strategies and tactics which help organizations achieve their revenue goals. Examines key behavioral, technological, and managerial trends in sales. Identifies current analytical, communication, relationship, and leadership skills needed by sales managers. Demonstrates the importance of sales and sales management in terms of people employed, dollars spent, and sales generated.
Canvas Course Mats $56/Sage applies.
MKTG 3650.  Professional Selling.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): University Advanced Standing; MKTG 3600 Recommended
Emphasizes theoretical skills in the personal selling process and the management of a sales force. Studies the recruiting, training and supervising of salespersons, organization of territories, compensation schemes, and forecasting. Includes lectures, guest speakers, video tapes, role playing, case analysis, oral presentations, and written assignments.
Software fee of $35 applies.
Lab access fee of $13 for computers applies.
Canvas Course Mats $56/Cengage applies.
Canvas Course Mats $39/GoReact applies.
MKTG 3660.  Digital Marketing.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): University Advanced Standing; MKTG 3600 Recommended
Provides an introduction to the many business uses of the Internet to create competitive advantage. Features discussions of e-business strategic components and practice with Web page exercises. Uses guided exercises to explore the Net, both in and out of class. Includes projects, research, and Net use in a particular industry. Emphasizes the sharing of concepts discussed in lectures, class activities, the assigned readings, and group projects.
Lab access fee of $13 for computers applies.
MKTG 3665.  Search Engine Optimization.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): University Advanced Standing
Covers basics of search engine optimization (SEO), including the intent, relevance, and quality of internet searches. Teaches the seven steps of search engine optimization for content creation. Includes video creation, social media, local listings, reputation management, and digital collaborations.
MKTG 3670.  Advertising and Promotion.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): University Advanced Standing; MKTG 3600 Recommended
Provides an understanding of advertising, its purposes, and production. Includes sequence of activities in preparing productive, persuasive marketing and advertising campaign plans. Covers the social, legal, and economic considerations involved in the campaign planning process. Includes lectures, class discussions, guest speakers, videos, and student presentations.
Lab access fee of $13 for computers applies.
Canvas Course Mats $85/McGraw applies.
MKTG 3680.  Marketing with Social Media.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): MKTG 3600 and MKTG 3660 are recommended; University Advanced Standing
Teach students how to use social media platforms to market products and services. Includes the creation and marketing of a blog using WordPress and engaging with a local small business to write and execute a social media marketing campaign. Teaches the fundamentals of social media marketing and the most popular platforms like WordPress, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIN.
MKTG 3685.  Content Marketing.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): University Advanced Standing; MKTG 3660 Recommended
Covers strategic use of content to attract new customers and retain current customers. Provides experience identifying and analyzing an audience to create targeted content to achieve set business objectives. Introduces graphic design applications, video editing software, copy writing skills, email automation systems, analytics tools, and other resources. Provides training to successfully create and implement an effective content marketing strategy.
MKTG 3690.  Digital Marketing Analytics.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): University Advanced Standing
Teaches advanced digital marketing concepts and skills related to digital marketing analytics and dashboards for web, social, and other digital platforms. Includes preparation for industry certifications in these areas.
MKTG 3700.  Fundamentals of Product Management.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): University Advanced Standing; MKTG 3600 Recommended
Provides a rigorous introduction to the development and management of new products from a marketing perspective. Emphasizes current best practices in assessing market opportunities, determining target customers, and defining and designing a product-based solution, and measuring and validating the solution through an iterative product development process. Includes a semester project and presentation, role-plays, and case studies.
MKTG 3890.  Business Career Strategy.  (2 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): University Advanced Standing; MKTG 1890 Recommended
Emphasizes the seamless transition to professional advancement in the workforce by developing a career narrative consistently presented on paper, online, and in person. Focuses on industry research, networking, interviews, and professional branding, including the customization of career tools, through a practicum design. Requires professional outreach. Includes demonstrations, role playing and application exercises.
Lab access fee of $13 for computers applies.
MKTG 4150.  Digital Marketing Capstone.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): MKTG 3170, MKTG 3600, MKTG 3660, MKTG 3680, MKTG 3690, and University Advanced Standing; Senior Standing is recommended.
Applies digital marketing theories, principles, and tactics to a live learning engagement project. Provides a framework for developing a complete digital marketing plan and gives students an opportunity to learn software, automation tools, and digital marketing creative strategy.
MKTG 4300.  Marketing Data Science.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): MKTG 3300 and University Advanced Standing
Provides advanced learning in marketing data science. Emphasizes data collection and cleaning on an advanced level. Teaches advanced concepts, principles, and frameworks of marketing data science from the perspective of a marketing strategist applying current marketing theory. Builds on introductory skills to deepen understanding of current trends.
MKTG 4400.  Competitive Intelligence.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): MKTG 3600 and University Advanced Standing
Teaches Competitive Intelligence (CI), the study of processes and techniques leading to business analysis applied to industry and company investigation. Overviews the Competitive Intelligence process including information collection, intelligence analysis, and intelligence process assessment.
MKTG 459R.  Advanced Topics in Marketing.  (1-3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): University Advanced Standing; MKTG 3600 Recommended
Provides exposure to emerging topics of current interest in marketing. Topics vary each semester. May apply a maximum of 12 hours toward graduation.
MKTG 4600.  Customer Experience.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): University Advanced Standing; MKTG 3600 Recommended
Covers managerial uses of marketing research in formulating marketing strategy. Includes determination of situations requiring research, appraisal of alternative research methods, and evaluation of studies. Presents theoretical concepts in research methodology. Includes lectures, class discussions, group projects, case analyses, oral presentations, written assignments, and speakers.
Lab access fee of $13 for computers applies.
Canvas Course Mats $85/McGraw applies.
MKTG 4610.  Sales Operations.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): University Advanced Standing; MKTG 3600 Recommended
Provides students with an understanding of Sales Operations and the key performance indicators driving professional sales organizations. Instills a data-driven perspective necessary for responding to organizational sales and revenue challenges. Develops important skills in forecasting, report and dashboard development, and territory analysis and design, as well as proficiency in Sales Force Automation and CRM software.
MKTG 4620.  Advanced Professional Selling.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): MKTG 3650 and University Advanced Standing
Covers advanced business-to-business selling skills and practices. Emphasizes current best-practices in prospecting, needs identification, relationship-building, negotiating, and closing. Includes competitive role-play and case studies.
Canvas Course Mats of $39/GoReact applies.
MKTG 4630.  Professional Sales Capstone.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): MKTG 3650, MKTG 3640, MKTG 4610, Matriculation into the BS Professional Sales, and University Advanced Standing.
Serves as the capstone for the Professional Sales degree. Integrates all foundational concepts and skills previously learned into a real-life sales experience where students are given an Ideal Customer Profile (ICP), product, CRM system, and quota. Requires that students achieve an actual sales quota (comprising both input and output measures). Canvas Course Mats $87/Stukent applies.
MKTG 4650.  Marketing Management Capstone.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): MKTG 3600, MKTG 3650, MKTG 3660, MKTG 3700, and MKTG 335G. University Advanced Standing; Senior Standing is recommended.
Presents detailed marketing analysis skills, planning and control of various marketing mix variables, target markets, and the marketing environment using both oral and written case studies. Includes lectures, class discussions, videos, projects, case analyses, oral presentations, written assignments, and guest speakers.
MKTG 481R.  Marketing Internship.  (1-3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Departmental Approval and University Advanced Standing
For upper-division students working toward a Bachelor of Science Degree in Marketing. Provides a transition from school to work where learned theory is applied to actual practice through meaningful on-the-job experience. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits toward graduation. May be graded credit/no credit.
MKTG 482R.  Sales Internship.  (1-8 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Departmental Approval and University Advanced Standing
For upper-division students working toward a Bachelor of Science Degree in Marketing. Provides a transition from school to work where learned theory is applied to actual practice through meaningful on-the-job experience. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits toward graduation. May be graded credit/no credit.
MKTG 483R.  Digital Marketing Internship.  (1-8 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Departmental Approval and University Advanced Standing
For upper-division students working toward a Bachelor of Science Degree in Marketing. Provides a transition from school to work where learned theory is applied to actual practice through meaningful on-the-job experience. May be repeated for a maximum of 8 credits toward graduation. May be graded credit/no credit.
MKTG 490R.  Independent Study.  (1-3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Department Chair Approval
Provides independent study as directed in reading and individual projects specifically related to the Marketing field at the discretion and approval of the Dean and/or Department Chair. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits toward graduation.
MKTG 494R.  Seminar.  (0.5-3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Department Chair Approval and University Advanced Standing
Provides short courses, workshops, and special programs in business management, leadership, or current business topics. Repeatable for up to six credits toward graduation.
MKTG 4980.  Research Seminar in Marketing.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Department Chair Approval and University Advanced Standing
Studies the process of researching and writing for scholarly publication. Includes understanding the concepts of scholarly conversation; managing scholarship; choosing a marketing topic; identifying appropriate journals; using exemplars; creating a title and abstract; making an outline; developing an introduction and conclusion; writing the body of the paper; and then revising, submitting, and finally publishing in a scholarly journal.
MKTG 6400.  Technology Marketing and Customer Experience.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Admission into any graduate program in the Woodbury School of Business
Teaches conceptual frameworks and analytical tools for marketing decision making in technology businesses from a cross-functional and strategic orientation. Focuses on understanding user needs, technology standards and network externalities, forecasting and planning, solution design and architecture, platform strategy, and managing adoption. Uses cases, assignments, and projects. Examines the use of marketing analytics for intelligence gathering, analysis, and decision making. Teaches how to develop high-value solutions for users based on a deep understanding of their needs, and how to communicate the value of and provide access to those solutions through marketing technology.
MKTG 6600.  Marketing Strategy.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Admission into any graduate program in the Woodbury School of Business
Analyzes current marketing management problems. Emphazies marketing concepts, research techniques, decision making, and marketing strategy development.
MKTG 6620.  Marketing Research and Analytics.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Admission into any graduate program in the Woodbury School of Business and MKTG 6600
Explores tools and analysis techniques related to customer relationship management. Focuses on "thick" data research, including: ethnography, social listening, interviewing, and laddering. Uses research tools, such as survey design, web analytics, and eye-tracking technology, to collect and analyze data through factor analysis, cluster analysis, classification trees, and multidimensional scaling.
MKTG 6640.  Brand/Product/Services Management.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Admission into any graduate program in the Woodbury School of Business and MKTG 6600
Focuses on the practice of advanced marketing management topics including: brand management, product management, product development, services marketing, pricing and conjoint analysis. Integrates forecasting including diffusion models and other tactics, resource allocation, and managing profit and loss statements.
MKTG 6660.  Marketing Channels and Communications.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Admission into any graduate program in the Woodbury School of Business and MKTG 6600
Explores key advanced marketing practices related to delivering and communicating value. Examines retailing, e-commerce, websites, personal selling, lead generation, digital marketing, as well as promotion and campaign management.
MKTG 6720.  Creativity and Innovative Problem Solving.  (1.5 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into the Woodbury School of Business MBA program
Applies an understanding of the nature of creativity and expansive problem solving within the business environment through projects, simulations and/or case study. Provides awareness about individual and organizational characteristics which impact creative thinking and limit imaginative solutions.