University Studies (UVST)

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UVST 1100.  Prior Learning Assessment Portfolio.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Departmental Approval
Identifies student’s individual work related to specific skills, theoretical background, and content to prepare a portfolio for prior learning credit evaluation. Graded Credit/No Credit.
UVST 289R.  Undergraduate Research.  (1 Credit)  
Prerequisite(s): Department Approval
Utilizes Phi Theta Kappa's theme from their "Honors in Action" program as a vehicle to introduce undergraduates to research. Requires students to write a literature review and to present their findings. Requires students to be a member of Phi Theta Kappa. May be repeated for a maximum of 4 credits toward graduation.
UVST 290R.  Community Engagement and Applied Service Learning.  (1 Credit)  
Prerequisite(s): UVST 289R or Department Approval
Utilizes Phi Theta Kappa's theme from their "Honors in Action" program as a vehicle to introduce undergraduates to service learning. Requires students to plan and implement a service project. May be repeated for a maximum of 4 credits toward graduation.
UVST 3110.  Theory and Practice of Tutoring Writing.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): ENGL 2010 and University Advanced Standing
Teaches investigative theories, methods, practices and processes of tutoring writing. Has students practice tutoring as a process, actively participating in tutorial sessions and developing tutees ability to do the same. Teaches students to read scholarship from the field of writing center studies that will give them an awareness of the concepts of professional and intellectual tutoring. Requires students to compose several responses to writing center theory, conduct numerous observations of tutorials, participate in tutorials, and ultimately compose an individual philosophy of tutoring.
UVST 481R.  Internship.  (1-8 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): University Advanced Standing and Departmental Approval
Increases students' knowledge and skills in personal or career-related areas while synthesizing previous and new learning experiences. Final project involves reflection and demonstration of learning outcome achievement. For BA/BS University Studies majors, requires a project planned with and evaluated by a faculty mentor from an academic discipline closely related to the emphasis for the degree. Repeatable for a maximum of 16 credits toward graduation. May be graded credit/no credit.
UVST 4930.  Capstone WE.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Matriculation into the BA/BS University Studies and University Advance Standing
For UVST BA/BS students in their last semester. Involves reflection on learning, demonstration of the achievement of stated learning outcomes, and advanced development of writing and communication skills. Includes a research/writing project or the creation of a professional portfolio to display knowledge and abilities. Culminates with an oral presentation.