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Digital Media Animation/Games/Visual Effects (DAGV)

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DAGV 1100.  3D Animation Essentials.  (3 Credits)  
Introduces animation principles and processes used in the industry. Emphasizes current 3D technology and software. Explores the history of animation and its evolution over time. Creates animation using modern-day media and entertainment industries.
DAGV 1200.  3D Modeling Essentials.  (3 Credits)  
Covers the 3D pipeline which includes pre-production (rough placeholder art), production (finished art), and post production (composite and effects). Instructs students to develop 3D models, UV maps, and 2D textures. Teaches how to integrate models into a realtime rendering engine.
Lab access fee of $45 applies.
DAGV 1200R.  Current Topics in Animation and Game Development.  (1-3 Credits)  
Introduces relevant and changing topics and tools in animation and/or game development. Uses lectures, demonstrations, and/or hands-on experiences for topics covered. Examines content which varies from one semester to another. May be repeated for a maximum of 9 credits toward graduation.
DAGV 1300.  Animation Essentials.  (2 Credits)  
Corequisite(s): DAGV 1300L
Introduces animation principles and processes used in the animation industry. Emphasizes the synthesis of technology and aesthetics in the production of animated titles.
Software fee of $15 applies.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
DAGV 1300L.  Animation Essentials Lab.  (1 Credit)  
Corequisite(s): DAGV 1300
Applies animation principles and processes introduced in DAGV 1300. Emphasizes the synthesis of technology and aesthetics in the production of animated titles. Introduces traditional animation methods in the construction of motion projects.
DAGV 1500.  Concept Essentials.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Portfolio Review Acceptance
Introduces animated title production from initial idea to finished film. Explores the fundamentals of figure structure, proportion, and shape. Serves as the foundation for advanced courses in layout, character development, rigging, and animation for films and games. Utilizes live and/or on-line resources to draw the human form.
DAGV 1600.  Studio Technology Essentials.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Portfolio Review Acceptance
Introduces 2D animation processes used in industry today. Teaches both traditional paperless and cut-out animation. Introduces node-system software technology and the use of a script editor.
DAGV 1700.  Scripting Essentials.  (3 Credits)  
Introduces the fundamentals of computer programming and problem solving using the current industry standard scripting languages. Emphasizes the fundamentals of structured and object-oriented programming, syntax, semantics, control structures, arrays, file I/O, testing/debugging, implementation, and the construction of graphical user interfaces. Applies these concepts to manipulate digital images, sound, movies, text, and web pages that are heavily used as digital media. Lab access fee of $45 applies.
DAGV 2200R.  Special Topics in Animation and Game Development.  (1-3 Credits)  
Examines contemporary topics and tools in animation and/or game development. Uses lectures, demonstrations, and practical application in the development of a course project. Examines content which may vary from one semester to another. May be repeated for a maximum of 9 credits toward graduation.
DAGV 2210.  3D Modeling and Animation.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Portfolio Review Acceptance
Addresses the basics of 3D modeling, texturing, animation, and rendering. Demonstrates how to utilize these techniques in a production pipeline for games and animation. Includes basic practices and theories common in the animation industry.
Software fee of $15 applies.
Course fee of $19 for equipment applies.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
DAGV 2230.  Animation I.  (2 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Portfolio Review Acceptance
Corequisite(s): DAGV 2230L
Explores and applies animation pipeline practices. Emphasizes the study of characters and objects in motion and the communication of key ideas in the development of second-year animation projects. Covers both aesthetic and technical processes.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
Software fee of $15 applies.
Course fee of $18 for software and plug-ins applies.
DAGV 2230L.  Animation I Lab.  (1 Credit)  
Prerequisite(s): Portfolio Review Acceptance
Corequisite(s): DAGV 2230
Applies animation principles and software processes. Emphasizes the research and construction of character motion to communicate emotional impact. Covers both aesthetic and technical processes.
DAGV 2240.  Character Development.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Portfolio Review Acceptance
Teaches an in-depth study and application of character development practices for animation and interactive games. Includes research, design, construction, and testing of an original animated character. Requires the application of the Principles of Animation.
Software fee of $15 applies.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
DAGV 2250.  Animation II.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Portfolio Review Acceptance, and DAGV 2230
Analyzes and implements animation principles and processes for advanced motion problems with bi-pedal characters. Covers both aesthetic and technical processes.
DAGV 2330.  Introduction to Rigging.  (2 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Portfolio Review Acceptance
Corequisite(s): DAGV 2330L
Introduces fundamental rigging practices for typical 2D characters to be used in animated films and interactive games.
Software fee of $15 applies.
Lab access fee of $45 applies.
DAGV 2330L.  Introduction To Rigging Lab.  (1 Credit)  
Prerequisite(s): Portfolio Review Acceptance
Corequisite(s): DAGV 2330
Applies the fundamentals of rigging on typical 2D characters for performance-oriented motion.
DAGV 2340.  Digital Storyboarding.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Portfolio Review Acceptance
Introduces contemporary storyboarding practices, both linear and non-linear, key to communicating information clearly and consistently in a cost effective manner.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
Software fee of $15 applies.
Course fee of $12 for software and plug-ins applies.
DAGV 2460.  Game Development I.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Portfolio Review Acceptance
Provides a foundation for basic game development pipeline. Covers low poly count modeling in a variety of software packages and use of 3D models in an industry-standard game development engine.
Software fee of $15 applies.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
DAGV 2470.  Game Development II.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Portfolio Review Acceptance
Explores interactive video and computer gaming from historic, economic, and production perspectives. Introduces game theory, analysis, design documentation, and development.
Lab access fee of $45 applies.
DAGV 2480.  Introduction to Compositing.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Portfolio Review Acceptance
Introduces animation compositing processes, including lighting, filters, masks, effects, render, and export of finished scenes.
DAGV 2610.  3D Modeling and Surfacing.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Portfolio Review Acceptance
Addresses the basics of 3D procedural modeling, texturing, surfacing, and rendering. Demonstrates these techniques in a production pipeline for games and animation. Includes basic practices and theories common in the animation industry.
DAGV 2612.  3D Modeling and Surfacing II.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Portfolio Review Acceptance
Builds upon the foundational concepts from 3D Modeling and Surfacing and dives deeper into creating realistic 3D assets. Emphasizes procedural modeling and covers elements of worlds and environments.
DAGV 2640.  3D Character Development.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Portfolio Review Acceptance
Teaches an in-depth study and application of character development practices for 3D animation and game projects. Includes research, design, construction, and testing of an original animated character. Requires the application of the Principles of Animation.
DAGV 2642.  3D Character Development II.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Portfolio Review Acceptance
Develops the advanced characters for 3D animation and game projects. Explores more advanced design, construction, and testing of original animated characters.
DAGV 2671.  3D Animation Project I.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Portfolio Review Acceptance
Explores and applies 3D animation pipeline practices. Emphasizes the study of characters and objects in motion and the communication of key ideas in developing second-year animation projects. Covers both aesthetic and technical processes.
DAGV 2672.  3D Animation Project II.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Portfolio Review Acceptance
Introduces 3D animation compositing processes, including lighting, filters, masks, effects, rendering, and export of finished scenes.
DAGV 2700.  Intermediate Scripting.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Portfolio Review Acceptance
Focuses on the basic elements of scripting languages in contemporary software applications. Develops a firm understanding of basic scripting concepts in an animation and/or game, including: libraries, expressions, arrays, conditionals, loops, and functions. Discusses simplification of complex user operations and the development of basic user interfaces.
Laptop Required.
Software fee of $15 applies.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
DAGV 2801.  Game Engine I.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Portfolio Review Acceptance
Creates a foundation for a primary game development pipeline. Covers low poly count modeling in a variety of software packages and the use of 3D models in an industry-standard game development engine. Uses an alternative engine to game development courses.
DAGV 2830.  3D Rigging I.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Portfolio Review Acceptance
Introduces fundamental rigging on typical 3D props and characters for simple performance motion in animated films and interactive games.
DAGV 2901.  3D Visual Effects I.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Portfolio Review Acceptance
Produces digital special effects and compositing in 2D and 3D environments. Creates critical elements such as fire, smoke, water, gases, and sparks.
DAGV 3000R.  Animation and Game Group Project.  (1 Credit)  
Prerequisite(s): Portfolio Review Acceptance and University Advanced Standing
Collaborates on group animation and game projects with students from the entirety of the program. Leads to train juniors and sophomores to develop pipelines and processes and complete projects. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits toward graduation. May be Graded Credit/No Credit.
DAGV 3010R.  Digital Lecture Series.  (1 Credit)  
Prerequisite(s): University Advanced Standing
Uses guest speakers who lecture on current topics in digital media. May be repeated for a maximum of 3 credits toward graduation.
DAGV 3310.  Technical Design and Direction.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Portfolio Review Acceptance and University Advanced Standing
Introduces industry standard technical direction (TD) problem solving practices. Includes project management, aesthetic development, film and/or game play design.
Software fee of $15 applies.
Course fee of $20 applies.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
DAGV 3350.  Animation and Game Production I.  (2 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Portfolio Review Acceptance and University Advanced Standing
Corequisite(s): DAGV 3350L
Prepares students to implement the full animation production pipeline. Uses composition, lighting, character animation, compositing, and rendering. Requires junior-level projects to be initiated and completed within the semester.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
DAGV 3350L.  Animation and Game Lab I.  (1 Credit)  
Prerequisite(s): Portfolio Review Acceptance and University Advanced Standing
Corequisite(s): DAGV 3350
Emphasizes the application of title-development processes. Covers composition, lighting, texture, color, and rendering in the production of junior-level animation and game titles.
DAGV 3360.  Advanced Character Rigging.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Portfolio Review Acceptance and University Advanced Standing
Studies the process of rigging, and the motion of characters and objects for animation and interactive games. Includes full character, muscle, facial, and dynamic rigs. Reinforces principles of animation.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
DAGV 3450.  Animation and Game Production II.  (2 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Portfolio Review Acceptance and University Advanced Standing
Corequisite(s): DAGV 3450L
Implements an animation production pipeline in a team environment. Includes research, writing, scripting, designing, storyboarding, production, and rendering of an animated short film.
Software fee of $15 applies.
Course fee of $19 for software and plug-ins applies.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
DAGV 3450L.  Animation and Game Lab II.  (1 Credit)  
Prerequisite(s): Portfolio Review Acceptance and University Advanced Standing
Corequisite(s): DAGV 3450
Emphasizes the application of production processes in the development of a semester-long animated title completed in a team environment. Includes research, writing, scripting, designing, storyboarding, production, and rendering of a short title.
DAGV 3460.  Game Development III.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Portfolio Review Acceptance and University Advanced Standing
Continues the study of game theory, analysis, and design documentation. Emphasizes game construction using an industry-standard development engine. A laptop computer is required for this course.
Software fee of $15 applies.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
DAGV 3461.  Game Development IV.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Portfolio Review Acceptance and University Advanced Standing
Provides in-depth instruction in advanced scripting concepts and practices in video game development. Focuses on the application of advanced technical topics as they impact game construction. Addresses networking and distributed systems issues, including scalability and latency compensation techniques, in designing games for online multi-player environments. Software fee of $15 applies. Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
DAGV 3470.  Animation Story Development.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Portfolio Review Acceptance and University Advanced Standing
Covers short themed script development for animated and interactive titles. Discusses specific scriptwriting subjects such as initiating the idea, researching, outlining, and rewriting. Includes weekly writing assignments that are read and analyzed according to structure and the execution of a goal. Requires the presentation of a completed animatic.
Lab access fee of $45 applies.
DAGV 3480.  Writing for Technical Directors.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Portfolio Review Acceptance and University Advanced Standing
Equips aspiring technical directors in game development and animation to refine their specialized writing skills. Cultivates a focused environment for students to enhance their skills in documenting code, crafting game design documents, scripting animated films, and creating job application materials. Incorporates AI into writing processes for innovative communication strategies. Emphasizes the critical role of writing in professional communication, exposing students to various writing styles and formats, and aims to help students articulate technical and creative concepts with clarity and impact across professional platforms.
DAGV 3671.  3D Animation Project III.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Portfolio Review Acceptance and University Advanced Standing
Emphasizes 3D industry title development processes. Covers lighting and rendering in an animation and/or game environment. Includes composition, technical lighting, layer-based rendering, and texture baking. Requires junior-level projects to be initiated and completed within the semester.
DAGV 3672.  3D Animation Project IV.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Portfolio Review Acceptance and University Advanced Standing
Develops pre-production of a team project for 2D animation students. Includes research, writing, scripting, designing, storyboarding, and pre-visualization of an animated short film or an interactive game project.
DAGV 3830.  3D Rigging II.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Portfolio Review Acceptance and University Advanced Standing
Studies the rigging process and the motion of 3D characters and objects for animation and interactive games. Includes full character, muscle, facial, and dynamic rigs. Reinforces principles of animation.
DAGV 4350.  Advanced Technical Direction I.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Portfolio Review Acceptance and University Advanced Standing
Focuses on the production of digital special effects and compositing in 2D and 3D environments. Includes multi-layer effects, green screen, digital mattes, and grading. Includes visual effects editing and particle generation.
Software fee of $15 applies.
Course fee of $19 for software and plug-ins applies.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
DAGV 4450.  Advanced Technical Direction II.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Portfolio Review Acceptance and University Advanced Standing
Focuses on the use of digital special effects in two and three-dimensional environments including high-end particle effects, digital fluids, and advanced simulation. Tools include industry standard software applications.
Software fee of $15 applies.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
DAGV 4550.  Performance Animation.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Portfolio Review Acceptance and University Advanced Standing
Covers advanced animation and/or game development principles. Includes timing and spacing, overlapping action, flexibility, and successive breaking-of-joints. Analyzes theatrical performance, emotional, and dialoged animation. Explores expressive character action representative of life. Augments the fourth-year capstone experience assisting in portfolio development.
Software fee of $15 applies.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
DAGV 4600R.  Portfolio Development.  (1 Credit)  
Prerequisite(s): Portfolio Review Acceptance and University Advanced Standing
Provides an opportunity for students to display their skills and carve out their niche in the industry. Engages in a rigorous journey of self-assessment and strategic showcasing. Curates a portfolio highlighting their technical and creative prowess and telling a compelling story of their animation and game development journey. Articulates each portfolio piece's creative and technical process through persuasive storytelling and detailed documentation. Demonstrates advanced proficiency in key industry software tools.
DAGV 4900R.  Senior Capstone.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Portfolio Review Acceptance and University Advanced Standing
Provides a capstone animation and game development experience for senior students. Develops individual and team real-world projects in consultation with a faculty advisor. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits toward graduation.