Environmental Management (ENVT)
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ENVT 1110. Introduction to Environmental Management. (3 Credits)
Surveys environmental issues and the impact of people on the environment. Covers how we can sustainably use our natural resources and how we can prevent and remediate the degradation of the environment while using these natural resources.
ENVT 1200. Environmental Worker Safety. (3 Credits)
Discusses occupational safety and health for environmental management. Prepares students for future health and safety laws and regulation, training requirements, and the hierarchy of safety control. Covers management of a safety program, risk assessment, OSHA compliance, and development of a safety culture.
ENVT 1510. Hazardous Materials Emergency Response. (3 Credits)
Meets the requirements for the OSHA 40 hour training. Includes personal protection, identifying hazardous materials, spill control, and incident management. Completers may obtain OSHA certification for handling hazardous materials.
Course fee of $28 for materials applies.
Course fee of $28 for materials applies.
ENVT 2300. Environmental Lab and Sampling. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): ENVT 1110 and CHEM 1215 and University Advanced Standing
Studies basic laboratory and environmental field techniques used by labs working on environmental projects and in sampling programs within the field. Covers lab safety, sample analysis, quality control, manuscript preparation, and instrumentation. Includes opportunities for undergraduate research. Course Lab fee of $38 for supplies/materials/lab applies.
Studies basic laboratory and environmental field techniques used by labs working on environmental projects and in sampling programs within the field. Covers lab safety, sample analysis, quality control, manuscript preparation, and instrumentation. Includes opportunities for undergraduate research. Course Lab fee of $38 for supplies/materials/lab applies.
ENVT 2560. Environmental Health. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): BIOL 1010 and CHEM 1110 recommended
Addresses environmental health issues for multiple environmental-related degree programs. Benefits students pursuing careers in nursing, biology, and other related fields. Examines infectious and non-infectious diseases, vectors and their control. Discusses the fundamentals of environmental health, water and wastewater management, population pyramid and associated environmental concerns in developed and developing nations. Includes topics of solid and hazardous waste management, recreation safety, air quality and environmental regulations.
Addresses environmental health issues for multiple environmental-related degree programs. Benefits students pursuing careers in nursing, biology, and other related fields. Examines infectious and non-infectious diseases, vectors and their control. Discusses the fundamentals of environmental health, water and wastewater management, population pyramid and associated environmental concerns in developed and developing nations. Includes topics of solid and hazardous waste management, recreation safety, air quality and environmental regulations.
ENVT 2710. Environmental Careers. (1 Credit)
Explores the career opportunities in environmental areas for students in environmental careers. Covers resumes, letters of inquiry, networking, interviews, and other methods of job seeking.
ENVT 2730. Introduction to Soils. (4 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): ENGL 1010 or ENGH 1005
An introductory course for majors and non-majors. Covers basic topics such as soil classification, soil-water relations, fertility, soil strength, and soil conservation. Offers important background information for those involved in pollution prevention and remediation, environmental monitoring, and home gardening.
An introductory course for majors and non-majors. Covers basic topics such as soil classification, soil-water relations, fertility, soil strength, and soil conservation. Offers important background information for those involved in pollution prevention and remediation, environmental monitoring, and home gardening.
ENVT 3010. Environmental Toxicology. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): University Advanced Standing (BIOL 1010 and CHEM 1210 Recommended)
Discusses the history, scope, and importance of environmental toxicology and the toxicokinetic of pollutants in living organism when exposed. Reviews dose response relationships and the role of regulatory toxicology when creating exposure limits for toxicants in the workplace. Examines the fate and movements of toxicants in different compartments in the environment. Provides a knowledge base that is beneficial to environmental health and safety managers and students pursuing careers in nursing, biology, and other related fields.
Discusses the history, scope, and importance of environmental toxicology and the toxicokinetic of pollutants in living organism when exposed. Reviews dose response relationships and the role of regulatory toxicology when creating exposure limits for toxicants in the workplace. Examines the fate and movements of toxicants in different compartments in the environment. Provides a knowledge base that is beneficial to environmental health and safety managers and students pursuing careers in nursing, biology, and other related fields.
ENVT 3210. Water Quality and Reclamation. (4 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): CHEM 1210 and University Advanced Standing
Covers identifying and analyzing the major pollutants and parameters related to water quality and remediation. Provides basic training to remediate and mitigate the potential contamination of water sources and how to treat and manage wastewater (i.e. primary treatment, biological treatment, and chemical treatment processes). Course lab fee of $32 applies for field excursions and supplies.
Covers identifying and analyzing the major pollutants and parameters related to water quality and remediation. Provides basic training to remediate and mitigate the potential contamination of water sources and how to treat and manage wastewater (i.e. primary treatment, biological treatment, and chemical treatment processes). Course lab fee of $32 applies for field excursions and supplies.
ENVT 3270. Environmental Microbiology. (4 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): University Advanced Standing, (CHEM 1220 and 1225), and [(PHYS 2010 and 2015) OR (PHYS 2210 and 2215)]. ENVT 3300 recommended.
Pre- or Corequisite(s): To ensure safety and ability to perform lab analysis, the sampling course (ENVT 3300) is suggested as a pre- or corequisite.
Provides an understanding of general microbiology tailored to the needs of earth scientists, environmental scientists, water managers, public health workers, and environmental managers. Discusses the role microorganisms in global biogeochemical cycles, nutrient and energy resources, and the impacts of microbial activities on the lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere. Links impacts of microbial activities to water quality, wastewater treatment, agriculture, environmental change, and others.
Pre- or Corequisite(s): To ensure safety and ability to perform lab analysis, the sampling course (ENVT 3300) is suggested as a pre- or corequisite.
Provides an understanding of general microbiology tailored to the needs of earth scientists, environmental scientists, water managers, public health workers, and environmental managers. Discusses the role microorganisms in global biogeochemical cycles, nutrient and energy resources, and the impacts of microbial activities on the lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere. Links impacts of microbial activities to water quality, wastewater treatment, agriculture, environmental change, and others.
ENVT 3280. Environmental Law. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): ENGL 1010 or ENGH 1005 (ENGL 2010 recommended), and University Advanced Standing.
Covers the Clean Water Act, the Safe Drinking Water Act, and the Clean Air Act. Reviews the Toxic Substances Control Act, the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, the Superfund law, DOT regulations, and OSHA regulations.
Covers the Clean Water Act, the Safe Drinking Water Act, and the Clean Air Act. Reviews the Toxic Substances Control Act, the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, the Superfund law, DOT regulations, and OSHA regulations.
ENVT 3290. Environmental Reporting. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): ENGL 1010 recommended, University Advanced Standing
Covers reporting frameworks and applications for environmental aspects of organizations. Focuses on reporting related to various aspects of environmental initiatives, including carbon, carbon credits, voluntary and mandatory reporting, buildings, products, and others. Introduces software and programs related to environmental reporting. Emphasizes systems thinking and holistic analysis.
Covers reporting frameworks and applications for environmental aspects of organizations. Focuses on reporting related to various aspects of environmental initiatives, including carbon, carbon credits, voluntary and mandatory reporting, buildings, products, and others. Introduces software and programs related to environmental reporting. Emphasizes systems thinking and holistic analysis.
ENVT 3320. Hydraulics of Water. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): PHYS 2010 or PHYS 2210; and University Advanced Standing
Prepares students to manage and quantitatively analyze the flow of water; including the use of the continuity equation, Hazen-Williams formula, and the Bernoulli Theorem. Integrates basic principles of engineering and geotechnical techniques with environmental management techniques to aid in the understanding of how to operate water equipment in a professional manner (i..e irrigation techniques, wastewater operation, and water processing).
Prepares students to manage and quantitatively analyze the flow of water; including the use of the continuity equation, Hazen-Williams formula, and the Bernoulli Theorem. Integrates basic principles of engineering and geotechnical techniques with environmental management techniques to aid in the understanding of how to operate water equipment in a professional manner (i..e irrigation techniques, wastewater operation, and water processing).
ENVT 3330. Water Resources Management. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): University Advanced Standing
Examines the broad issues that affect water quality and supply. Covers watershed management, limnology, stormwater management, and wetlands. Discusses the biological and physical processes that occur and the legal constraints that affect management decisions.
Examines the broad issues that affect water quality and supply. Covers watershed management, limnology, stormwater management, and wetlands. Discusses the biological and physical processes that occur and the legal constraints that affect management decisions.
ENVT 3530. Environmental Management Systems. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): ENGL 1010 or ENGH 1005 (ENGL 2010 recommended), and University Advanced Standing
Covers the systems and organization necessary to effectively manage environmental issues. Provides background and historical development for continuous process improvement and statistical process control. Discusses the ISO 14001 standard and its effect upon management practices. Introduces students to the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) including its processes and strategies for public input.
Covers the systems and organization necessary to effectively manage environmental issues. Provides background and historical development for continuous process improvement and statistical process control. Discusses the ISO 14001 standard and its effect upon management practices. Introduces students to the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) including its processes and strategies for public input.
ENVT 3550. Site Investigation. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): University Advanced Standing; CHEM 1110 recommended
Covers the investigation and preliminary cleanup of a contaminated site. Includes planning, training, site characterization, sampling, and site control. Completers should have a basic understanding of the process used to remediate an environmentally damaged site.
Covers the investigation and preliminary cleanup of a contaminated site. Includes planning, training, site characterization, sampling, and site control. Completers should have a basic understanding of the process used to remediate an environmentally damaged site.
ENVT 3600. Appropriate Technology and Sustainable Development for the Developing World. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): ENGL 2010 and University Advanced Standing
Reviews the origins of poverty and the current conditions of people in developing countries. Offers development solutions being pursued around the world. Empowers students to play an active role in international poverty reduction by introducing international development and its challenges. Teaches students how to determine appropriate technologies based on design, physical, and social considerations.
Reviews the origins of poverty and the current conditions of people in developing countries. Offers development solutions being pursued around the world. Empowers students to play an active role in international poverty reduction by introducing international development and its challenges. Teaches students how to determine appropriate technologies based on design, physical, and social considerations.
ENVT 3630. Introduction to Geographic Information Systems. (4 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): University Advanced Standing
Introduces the operation of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Focuses on GIS software and basic theory of geographic information science. Offers valuable preparation for careers in geography, planning, surveying, marketing, environmental technology, biology, engineering, and other related fields.
Lab access fee of $30 for computers applies
Introduces the operation of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Focuses on GIS software and basic theory of geographic information science. Offers valuable preparation for careers in geography, planning, surveying, marketing, environmental technology, biology, engineering, and other related fields.
Lab access fee of $30 for computers applies
ENVT 3700. Current Topics in Environmental Management. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): University Advanced Standing; ENVT 1110 recommended
Studies local environmental issues, new technologies, and the challenges faced by environmental managers. Issues discussed will vary with the semester. Prepares students for a thoughtful discussion of environmental issues.
Studies local environmental issues, new technologies, and the challenges faced by environmental managers. Issues discussed will vary with the semester. Prepares students for a thoughtful discussion of environmental issues.
ENVT 3750. Land Use Planning. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): University Advanced Standing; ENVT 3280 recommended
Covers key issues in land use planning and how they affect the environment. Includes multiple use concepts, focused uses, zoning, mapping, and the political processes used in planning. Discusses the importance of strategic planning and public relations.
Covers key issues in land use planning and how they affect the environment. Includes multiple use concepts, focused uses, zoning, mapping, and the political processes used in planning. Discusses the importance of strategic planning and public relations.
ENVT 3770. Natural Resources Management. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): University Advanced Standing; BIOL 1010 recommended
Introduces the management and conservation of natural resources. Discusses forestry, range management, wildlife management, and outdoor recreation. Provides the opportunity for students to learn how to create conservation and research plans that are common in the industry.
Introduces the management and conservation of natural resources. Discusses forestry, range management, wildlife management, and outdoor recreation. Provides the opportunity for students to learn how to create conservation and research plans that are common in the industry.
ENVT 3790. Applied Hydrology. (4 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): (MATH 1060 or MATH 1080 or MATH 1210 or PHYS 1100), (GEO 1010 or GEO 1030 or GEO 1040 or GEO 1050), and University Advanced Standing (PHYS 2210 or PHYS 2010 and GEOG 3600 Recommended)
Provides the students with a water budget approach to understanding how surface water applies to all aspects of the hydrologic cycle, including interactions with the atmosphere and geosphere. Reviews how surface water resources are managed by analyzing flood frequencies, intensity-duration-frequency curves for rainfall/snowfall, estimation of gauged and ungauged stream locations, stream flow measurement techniques, analyzing consumptive use demands, watershed modeling, legal water rights, water contamination, and risk assessment in hydrologic design. Provides opportunities to investigate a specific problem, field site, and/or service learning project related to hydrology.
Course fee of $21 applies.
Provides the students with a water budget approach to understanding how surface water applies to all aspects of the hydrologic cycle, including interactions with the atmosphere and geosphere. Reviews how surface water resources are managed by analyzing flood frequencies, intensity-duration-frequency curves for rainfall/snowfall, estimation of gauged and ungauged stream locations, stream flow measurement techniques, analyzing consumptive use demands, watershed modeling, legal water rights, water contamination, and risk assessment in hydrologic design. Provides opportunities to investigate a specific problem, field site, and/or service learning project related to hydrology.
Course fee of $21 applies.
ENVT 3800. Energy Use on Earth. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): (PHYS 1010 or PHSC 1000 or GEO 1010 or GEO 2040 or METO 1010) and (MATH 1050 or MATH 1055) and CHEM 1010 and University Advanced Standing
Covers the science of energy production and consumption. Quantitatively analyzes various methods of energy production, distribution, and end use in all sectors of our society, including transportation, residential living, and industry. Examines the impacts of our energy consumption on the environment and prospects for alternative energy sources. Is intended for science majors interested in energy use in society or in an energy related career, and for students in other majors who feel that a technical understanding of energy use will help them to understand and mitigate its impact in our society.
Covers the science of energy production and consumption. Quantitatively analyzes various methods of energy production, distribution, and end use in all sectors of our society, including transportation, residential living, and industry. Examines the impacts of our energy consumption on the environment and prospects for alternative energy sources. Is intended for science majors interested in energy use in society or in an energy related career, and for students in other majors who feel that a technical understanding of energy use will help them to understand and mitigate its impact in our society.
ENVT 3850. Environmental Policy. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): ENVT 1110 and University Advanced Standing
For upper-division students with an interest in environmental policy. Discusses the process by which policies are made and the factors that influence policy formation. Includes political factors, economics, international issues, public awareness and others.
For upper-division students with an interest in environmental policy. Discusses the process by which policies are made and the factors that influence policy formation. Includes political factors, economics, international issues, public awareness and others.
ENVT 4820R. Geologic Environmental Internship. (1-3 Credits)
Cross-listed with: GEO 4820R
Prerequisite(s): GEO 1010 or ENVT 1110; 12 credit hours of any GEO, GEOG, or ENVT courses; declared major in any Earth Science program and University Advanced Standing
Engages students in supervised geologic or environmental work in a professional setting. Requires approval by the Chair of the Department of Earth Science. Includes maintaining a journal of student experiences and preparing a paper summarizing their experience. A maximum of 3 credit hours may be counted toward graduation. May be graded Credit/No Credit.
Engages students in supervised geologic or environmental work in a professional setting. Requires approval by the Chair of the Department of Earth Science. Includes maintaining a journal of student experiences and preparing a paper summarizing their experience. A maximum of 3 credit hours may be counted toward graduation. May be graded Credit/No Credit.
ENVT 4950R. Special Projects in Environmental Management. (1-3 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): Instructor Permission and University Advanced Standing
Allows students to pursue undergraduate research projects. Includes instructor directed practical research. Students will prepare a report of their findings. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits toward graduation.
Allows students to pursue undergraduate research projects. Includes instructor directed practical research. Students will prepare a report of their findings. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits toward graduation.