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Emergency Services Wildlnd FF (ESWF)

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ESWF 1310.  S131 Wildland Firefighter Type I.  (0.5 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Departmental approval
Meets the training needs of a Type 1 Wildland Firefighter (FFT1). Presents several tactical decision scenarios designed to facilitate learning the objectives and class discussion. Introduces the student to the Fireline Handbook and provides an overview of its application. May be Graded Credit/No Credit.
ESWF 1330.  Look Up Look Down Look Around.  (0.5 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Meet NWCG pre-qualifications or departmental approval
Examines the wildland fire environment and the indicators firefighters should observe on the fire line in order to anticipate fire behavior. May be Graded Credit/No Credit.
ESWF 1400.  Wildland Firefighting Fundamentals.  (4 Credits)  
Designed to meet the Wildland Firefighter I knowledge and skill requirements of NFPA 1051, Wildland Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications. Teaches students to recognize the "Situations That Shout Watchout," apply the appropriate Standard Fire Orders and how to deploy a fire shelter. Includes orientation to the Incident Command System. Teaches basic fireline construction, fire weather, and fire behavior. Each subject covered in this course meets and/or exceeds NWCG standards for the following classes: S-130, S-190, I-100, and L-180.
Course fee of $118 for materials, specialized clothing, equipment, and state services & testing applies.
ESWF 1410.  Wildland Firefighter Internship I.  (5 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): ESWF 1400 or departmental approval
Provides experience in fighting fires at wildfire and urban interface incidents. Studies wildland fire behavior, fire weather, and fire mitigation. Teaches size-up, chain of command, communications, strategy, and tactics. Includes developing water sources, learning engine tactics, understanding procedures for aircraft, firing and felling operations. May be graded credit/no credit.
Course fee of $86 for specialized clothing, materials, and equipment applies.
ESWF 1420.  Wildland Firefighter Internship II.  (5 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): ESWF 1410
Provides students with the training and experience that will assist them in gaining a job in wildland fire management and suppression. Features participation in a 20-person wildland fire suppression crew sponsored by the Utah Division of Forestry, Fire and State Lands. Also teaches about wildland fire behavior as well as fire suppression strategies and tactics. Requires students to participate in physically demanding assignments with long periods of time away from home. Exposes students to wildland fire and the various organizational and mechanical tools used to manage and suppress them, such as; aircraft, bulldozers, large engines and other fire management and suppression equipment. May be graded credit/no credit.
ESWF 2000.  S200 Initial Attack Incident Commander Type IV.  (1 Credit)  
Prerequisite(s): Departmental approval
Meets the training needs of the Initial Attack Incident Commander Type 4 (ICT4). Covers foundational skills, intelligence gathering and documentation, incident size up, development of a plan of action, post-fire activities, evaluation of incident objectives and incident management. Meets and/or exceeds NWCG standards for S-200. May be Graded Credit/No Credit.
ESWF 2010.  Basic Incident Command System for Initial Response.  (1 Credit)  
Prerequisite(s): Meet NWCG prequalifications or departmental approval
Introduces the principles of the Incident Command System (ICS) associated with incident-related performance. Includes leadership and management, delegation of authority, management by objectives, functional areas and positions, briefings, organizational flexibility, transitions and transfers. Builds on the same lesson objectives and content as the NWCG I-200 course. May be Graded Credit/No Credit
ESWF 2110.  S211 Portable Pumps and Water Use.  (1.5 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Departmental approval
Covers three skill areas: supply, delivery, and application of water. Includes correct water use, basic hydraulics, and equipment care. Requires set up, operation, and maintenance of pump equipment in the field exercise. Meets and/or exceeds NWCG standards for S-211. May be Graded Credit/No Credit.
ESWF 2150.  S215 Fire Operations in the Wildland Urban Interface.  (2 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Deparmental approval
Instructs the firefighters who execute tactical decisions when confronting wildland interface fires threatening life, property, and improvements in the wildland/urban interface. Includes interface awareness, size-up, initial strategy and incident action plan, structure triage, structure protection tactics, incident action plan assessment and update, follow-up and public relations, and firefighter safety in the interface. Meets or exceeds NWCG standards for S-215. May be Graded Credit/No Credit.
ESWF 2212.  S212 Chain Saw Use in Wildland Fire Operations.  (2 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Department approval
Introduces the function, maintenance, and use of internal combustion engine powered chain saws and their tactical wildland fire application. Provides field exercises to support entry-level training for firefighters with little or no previous experience in operating a chain saw. Provides hands-on cutting experience in surroundings similar to fireline situations. Meets or exceeds the requirements for NWCG S-212 Chain Saws. May be Graded Credit/No Credit.
ESWF 2231.  S231 Wildland Fire Engine Boss.  (1 Credit)  
Prerequisite(s): Department Approval
Focuses on the tasks, tactical decision-making, and leadership concepts required to safely manage an engine and its personnel at a wildland fire incident. Meets or exceeds the requirements of NWCG S-231 Engine Boss. May be Graded Credit/No Credit.
ESWF 2236.  S236 Heavy Equipment Boss.  (2 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Department Approval
Teaches requirements of a Heavy Equipment Boss, Single Resource (HEQB) on wildland fire incidents as outlined in the NIMS: Wildland Fire Qualification System Guide, PMS 310-1, and the position taskbook developed for the position. Explores tactical use and safety precautions required to establish and maintain an effective heavy equipment operation. Requires a field exercise as part of the course. Meets or exceeds the requirements of NWCG S-236 Heavy Equipment Boss. May be Graded Credit/No Credit.
ESWF 2244.  S244 Field Observer.  (2 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Department Approval
Provides the skills necessary to perform as a Field Observer (FOBS) and/or a Fire Effects Monitor (FEMO) in an ALL-RISK environment. Introduces roles and responsibilities of the FOBS and FEMO; how to make observations and document those observations; how to produce hand drawn and GPS field maps; and how to navigate using a compass and GPS. Meets or exceeds the requirements of NWCG S-244 Field Observer. May be Graded Credit/No Credit.
ESWF 2261.  S261 Applied Interagency Incident Business Management.  (1 Credit)  
Prerequisite(s): Department Approval
Teaches interagency incident business management for entry-level finance positions of (a) Equipment Time Recorder (EQTR), (b) Compensation for Injury Specialist (INJR), (c) Claims Specialist (CLMS), and (d) Personnel Time Recorder (PTRC). Provides an understanding of management procedure and basic policy and direction for incident business management. Meets or exceeds the requirements of NWCG S-261 Applied Interagency Incident Business Management. May be Graded Credit/No Credit.
ESWF 2301.  S230 Crew Boss Single Resource.  (2 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Departmental approval
Produces proficiency in the single resource boss position from initial dispatch through demobilization to the home unit. Introduces operational leadership, preparation and mobilization, assignment preparation, risk management, entrapment avoidance, safety and tactics, offline duties, demobilization, and post-incident responsibilities. Meets or exceeds requirements for NWCG S230 Crew Boss Single Resource. May be Graded Credit/No Credit.
ESWF 2340.  Firing Operations.  (2 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Department Approval
Introduces the roles and responsibilities of a Firing Boss, Single Resource (FIRB), and outlines duties of other personnel who may engage firing operations. Discusses and illustrates common firing devices and techniques. Demonstrates a real ignition or the use of an actual firing device. Meets or exceeds the requirements of NWCG S219 Firing Operations. May be Graded Credit/No Credit.
ESWF 2430.  Wildland Firefighter Internship III.  (5 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): ESWF 1420 and departmental approval
Increases the level of leadership training and responsibility for individual firefighters. Includes work on Advanced Firefighter/Squad Boss Task book. Teaches and improves upon the following skills, including firefighter safety, supervision, communication, situational awareness and other fire suppression skills needed to advance to the Squad boss level. Offers valuable experience in wildland fire suppression techniques as well as safety and organizational skills. May be graded credit/no credit.
ESWF 2600.  S260 Interagency Incident Business Management.  (1 Credit)  
Prerequisite(s): Departmental approval
Studies the human resources aspect of emergency services in depth. Concentrates on personnel issues associated with day-to-day emergency service organizational management. Includes topics of ethical conduct, recruitment, resources, and financial management. Meets or exceeds the NWCG standards for S260 Interagency Incident Business Management. May be Graded Credit/No Credit.
ESWF 2700.  S270 Basic Air Operations.  (1 Credit)  
Prerequisite(s): Departmental approval
Introduces aircraft types and capabilities, aviation management and safety for flying in and working with agency aircraft, tactical and logistical uses of aircraft, and requirements for helicopter take-off and landing areas. Addresses regulations, procedures and policies that primarily govern federal agency and ICS operations. Meets and/or exceeds NWCG standards for S270 Basic Air Operations. May be Graded Credit/No Credit.
ESWF 2800.  L280 Followership to Leadership.  (1 Credit)  
Prerequisite(s): Departmental approval
Provides a self-assessment opportunity for individuals preparing to step into a leadership role. Includes leadership values and principles, transition challenges for new leaders, situational leadership, team cohesion factors, ethical decision-making, and after-action review techniques. Meets or exceeds the requirements for NWCG L280 Followership to Leadership. May be Graded Credit/No Credit.
ESWF 2900.  S290 Intermediate Wildland Fire Behavior.  (2 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): ESWF 1400 or NWCG S190 certificate verification by department
Prepares the prospective fireline supervisor to undertake safe and effective fire management operations. Serves to develop fire behavior prediction knowledge and skills. Meets or exceeds the requirements of NWCG S290 Intermediate Wildland Fire Behavior. May be Graded Credit/No Credit.
ESWF 3000.  S300 Incident Commander Extended Attack.  (1 Credit)  
Prerequisite(s): Departmental approval and University Advanced Standing
Meets the training needs of the Incident Commander Type 3 (ICT3). Focuses on the lessons of leadership and command as they relate to the ICT3 position. Includes multiple tactical decision games for students to practice new knowledge. Covers foundation skills, situational awareness, command and control, managing the incident, transitional activities, post-fire activities and a final simulation. Meets or exceeds requirements for S300 Incident Commander Extended Attack. May be Graded Credit/No Credit.
ESWF 3020.  I300 Intermediate Incident Command System.  (1 Credit)  
Prerequisite(s): Departmental approval and University Advanced Standing
Provides description and detail of the Incident Command System (ICS) organization and operations in supervisory roles on expanding or Type 3 incidents. Includes: ICS fundamentals review, incident/event assessment and agency guidance in establishing incident objectives, Unified Command, incident resource management, planning process, demobilization, transfer of command, and incident close out. Meets or exceeds the requirements of NWCG I300 and ICS300 Intermediate Incident Command System. May be Graded Credit/No Credit.
ESWF 3300.  S330 Task Force-Strike Team Leader.  (1 Credit)  
Prerequisite(s): Departmental approval and University Advanced Standing
Teaches the application of risk management processes found in the Incident Response Pocket Guide (IRPG) to various incidents. Includes scenarios and exercises that assess the application of tactics specific to wildland fire suppression. Meets or exceeds requirements for NWCG S330 Task Force Strike Team Leader. May be Graded Credit/No Credit.
ESWF 3301.  RX301 Prescribed Fire Implementation.  (2 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Department Approval and University Advanced Standing
Introduces the tools and techniques used to perform in the role of a Prescribed Fire Burn Boss. Describes the duties and responsibilities associated with the position of the Prescribed Fire Burn Boss including evaluation and implementation of a prescribed fire plan. Meets or exceeds the requirements of NWCG RX 301- Prescribed Fire Implementation. May be Graded Credit/No Credit.
ESWF 3341.  RX341 Prescribed Fire Plan Preparation.  (2 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Department Approval and University Advanced Standing
Focuses on the skills/knowledge to prepare a prescribed fire plan for technical review and approval in accordance with the Interagency Prescribed Fire Planning and Implementation Procedures Guide, PMS 484. Meets or exceeds the requirements of NWCG RX-341 Prescribed Fire Plan Preparation. May be Graded Credit/No Credit.
ESWF 3360.  S336 Tactical Decision Making in Wildland Fire.  (1 Credit)  
Prerequisite(s): Departmental approval and University Advanced Standing
Meets training requirements in the Operations section of the Incident Command System. Includes examples and exercises specific to wildland fire suppression. Meets or exceeds requirements for NWCG S336 Tactical Decision Making in Wildland Fire. May be Graded Credit/No Credit.
ESWF 3380.  L380 Fireline/Fire Service Leadership.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Department Approval and University Advanced Standing
Provides leadership development training for wildland/fire service supervisors. Focuses on the application of leadership styles and team building for incident personnel with supervisory responsibilities. Meets or exceeds the requirements of NWCG L-380 Fireline/Fire Service Leadership. May be Graded Credit/No Credit.
ESWF 3381.  L381 Incident Leadership.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Department Approval and University Advanced Standing
Focuses on leadership development training, recommended for command-level incident response personnel who will function in an ALL-RISK environment. Provides future leaders of divisions, groups, and Type 3 incidents with the leadership tools to effectively exert command and control over a quickly assembled team in a time constrained and rapidly changing incident environment. Meets or exceeds the requirements of NWCG L-381 Incident Leadership. May be Graded Credit/No Credit.
ESWF 3390.  S339 Division or Group Supervisor.  (1 Credit)  
Prerequisite(s): Departmental approval and University Advanced Standing
Prepares for performance in the role of division/group supervisor. Includes division/group management, organizational interaction, division operations, and all-hazard operations. Meets or exceeds the requirements of NWCG S-339, Division / Group Supervisor. May be Graded Credit/No Credit.
ESWF 4000.  I400 Advanced Incident Command System.  (1 Credit)  
Prerequisite(s): Departmental approval and University Advanced Standing
Provides an operational understanding of large single-agency and complex multi-agency/multi-jurisdictional incident responses. Includes: review for command and general staff, major and/or complex incident/event management, area command, and multi-agency coordination. Meets or exceeds the requirements for NWCG I400 Advanced Incident Command System or ICS 400. May be Graded Credit/No Credit.
ESWF 4390.  S390 Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior Calculations.  (2 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Departmental approval and University Advanced Standing
Introduces fire behavior calculations by manual methods, using nomograms and the Fire Behavior Handbook. Covers the determinants of fire behavior though studying inputs (weather, slope, fuels, and fuel moisture). Teaches how to interpret fire behavior outputs, documentation processes, and fire behavior briefing components. Meets or exceeds the requirements of NWCG S390 Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior Calculations. May be Graded Credit/No Credit.
ESWF 4410.  M410 Facilitative Instructor.  (2 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Department Approval
Develops effective facilitative instructors. Improves training delivery and quality by presenting instructional methods with an emphasis on student-oriented adult training techniques. Meets National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) instructor qualifications. Meets or exceeds requirements of NWCG M-410 Facilitative Instructor. May be Graded Credit/No Credit.
ESWF 4480.  L480 Organizational Leadership in the Wildland Fire Service.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Department Approval
Provides mid and upper-level organizational and Incident Management Team members with the leadership tools to deliver strategic direction and influence others to achieve team goals. Meets the NWCG requirements for L480. May be Graded Credit/No Credit.
ESWF 4481.  L481 Advanced Leadership for Command and General Staff.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Department Approval
Focuses on leadership within the context of large/complex incident management, to include team collective tasks and functions accomplished by large Incident Management Teams (IMTs). Describes individual tasks including functioning as a productive member of a staff organization, being a positive contributor to staff decision-making, maintaining a common operating picture, demonstrating staff member ethos, and projecting operational culture and leader’s intent. Meets or exceeds the requirements for NWCG L-481 Advanced Leadership for Command & General Staff. May be Graded Credit/No Credit.
ESWF 4580.  L580 Leadership is Action.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Department Approval
Fosters exchange of knowledge and experience from fire service managers in the art of leading during high-risk and complex incidents. Meets or exceeds the requirements for NWCG L-580 Leadership is Action. May be Graded Credit/No Credit.