Greek (GRK)
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GRK 1010. Beginning Ancient Greek I. (4 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): ENGL 1010 or ENGH 1005
Studies Ancient Greek language at the introductory level, focusing primarily on Attic Greek. Centers on grammar and textbook exercises with some analysis of literary and/or philosophical selections in Ancient Greek. Relates particularly to students interested in studying Ancient Greek culture and thought.
Studies Ancient Greek language at the introductory level, focusing primarily on Attic Greek. Centers on grammar and textbook exercises with some analysis of literary and/or philosophical selections in Ancient Greek. Relates particularly to students interested in studying Ancient Greek culture and thought.
GRK 1020. Beginning Ancient Greek II. (4 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): GRK 1010
Continues study of the Ancient Greek language at the introductory level, focussing primarily on Attic Greek. Centers on grammar and textbook exercises with some analysis of literary and/or philosophical selections in Ancient Greek. Relates particularly to students interested in studying Ancient Greek culture and thought.
Continues study of the Ancient Greek language at the introductory level, focussing primarily on Attic Greek. Centers on grammar and textbook exercises with some analysis of literary and/or philosophical selections in Ancient Greek. Relates particularly to students interested in studying Ancient Greek culture and thought.
GRK 2010. Intermediate Ancient Greek I. (4 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): GRK 1020
Studies the Ancient Greek language at the intermediate level, focusing primarily on Attic Greek. Centers on grammar and textbook exercises with some analysis of literary and/or philosophical selections in Ancient Greek. Relates particularly to students interested in studying Ancient Greek culture and thought.
Studies the Ancient Greek language at the intermediate level, focusing primarily on Attic Greek. Centers on grammar and textbook exercises with some analysis of literary and/or philosophical selections in Ancient Greek. Relates particularly to students interested in studying Ancient Greek culture and thought.
GRK 2020. Intermediate Ancient Greek II. (4 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): GRK 2010
Studies Ancient Greek language at the intermediate level, focussing primarily on Attic Greek. Centers on grammar and textbook exercises with some analysis of literary and/or philosophical selections in Ancient Greek. Relates particularly to students interested in studying Ancient Greek culture and thought.
Studies Ancient Greek language at the intermediate level, focussing primarily on Attic Greek. Centers on grammar and textbook exercises with some analysis of literary and/or philosophical selections in Ancient Greek. Relates particularly to students interested in studying Ancient Greek culture and thought.
GRK 3010R. Readings in Ancient Greek. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): GRK 2020 and University Advanced Standing
Instructs students in the translation of selected Ancient Greek poetry and prose. Focuses on in-depth and sustained reading of selected authors, genres, styles, and time periods. Applies students' grammatical knowledge to the wide range of actual Ancient Greek writings. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits toward graduation.
Instructs students in the translation of selected Ancient Greek poetry and prose. Focuses on in-depth and sustained reading of selected authors, genres, styles, and time periods. Applies students' grammatical knowledge to the wide range of actual Ancient Greek writings. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits toward graduation.