Human Resource Management (HR)
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HR 3430. Introduction to Human Resource Management. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): ENGL 2010 and University Advanced Standing
Covers labor and management relations, legal issues, job analysis and design, recruiting and selecting, job placement and orientation, training, career planning, EEO, performance appraisal, and employee benefits. Presents tools for the implementation of a human resource management program. Includes class discussions, case studies, videos, oral presentations, written assignments, group projects, and guest speakers.
Lab access fee of $13 for computers applies.
Covers labor and management relations, legal issues, job analysis and design, recruiting and selecting, job placement and orientation, training, career planning, EEO, performance appraisal, and employee benefits. Presents tools for the implementation of a human resource management program. Includes class discussions, case studies, videos, oral presentations, written assignments, group projects, and guest speakers.
Lab access fee of $13 for computers applies.
HR 3530. Employment and Labor Law. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): University Advanced Standing
Covers employment and labor law, cases, and policy. Includes employment discrimination along with labor relations statutes exploring the link between employment discrimination and traditional labor relations law. Presents tools necessary to formulate and write policy for profit and non-profit organizations. Includes lecture, class discussions, case studies, a service learning project, and guest speakers.
Lab access fee of $25 for computers applies.
Covers employment and labor law, cases, and policy. Includes employment discrimination along with labor relations statutes exploring the link between employment discrimination and traditional labor relations law. Presents tools necessary to formulate and write policy for profit and non-profit organizations. Includes lecture, class discussions, case studies, a service learning project, and guest speakers.
Lab access fee of $25 for computers applies.
HR 3550. Organization Development and Change Management. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): University Advanced Standing; HR 3430 highly recommended
Studies the process of ensuring skills, knowledge, abilities, and performance of the workforce meet current and future individual, team, and organizational needs. Includes the development, implementation, evaluation activities, interventions, and programs that focus on customized organization development (change), performance management, training and development, career development, and other unique employee or employee group needs.
Studies the process of ensuring skills, knowledge, abilities, and performance of the workforce meet current and future individual, team, and organizational needs. Includes the development, implementation, evaluation activities, interventions, and programs that focus on customized organization development (change), performance management, training and development, career development, and other unique employee or employee group needs.
HR 3570. Training and Development. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): University Advanced Standing; HR 3430 recommended
Studies current models, methods, and skills for training and development designed to improve individual, group, and organizational performance. Examines the organizational role of the training specialist, identifying training needs, maximizing the trainee's learning, evaluating training programs, on-site training methods, off-site training methods, developing and training leaders, management and executive development, and societal concerns. Includes teaching techniques such as lecture, class discussions, small group activities or projects, oral presentations, written assignments, guest speaker, and scholarly dialogue. Includes a semester-long training and development academic service-learning project.
Studies current models, methods, and skills for training and development designed to improve individual, group, and organizational performance. Examines the organizational role of the training specialist, identifying training needs, maximizing the trainee's learning, evaluating training programs, on-site training methods, off-site training methods, developing and training leaders, management and executive development, and societal concerns. Includes teaching techniques such as lecture, class discussions, small group activities or projects, oral presentations, written assignments, guest speaker, and scholarly dialogue. Includes a semester-long training and development academic service-learning project.
HR 4000. Total Rewards. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): HR 3430 and University Advanced Standing
Studies total reward systems in private and public organizations, which includes examining these systems' wage, salary, and benefits elements. Provides a comprehensive overview of total reward strategies in organizations, discuss relevant compensation models, and review various benefits influences, including laws and regulations. Explores the relationships between employee performance the different intrinsic and extrinsic rewards in total reward systems.
Lab access fee of $13 for computers applies.
Studies total reward systems in private and public organizations, which includes examining these systems' wage, salary, and benefits elements. Provides a comprehensive overview of total reward strategies in organizations, discuss relevant compensation models, and review various benefits influences, including laws and regulations. Explores the relationships between employee performance the different intrinsic and extrinsic rewards in total reward systems.
Lab access fee of $13 for computers applies.
HR 4050. Human Resource Information Systems. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): HR 3430 and University Advanced Standing
Provide students with introductory knowledge of Human Resource Information Systems. Examines HR information system adoption, implementation, and the assessment and building of management support to achieve HR strategic objectives.
Provide students with introductory knowledge of Human Resource Information Systems. Examines HR information system adoption, implementation, and the assessment and building of management support to achieve HR strategic objectives.
HR 4060. HR Analytics. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): MGMT 2400, HR 3430, and University Advanced Standing
Explores key metrics, analysis, interpretation and communication tools necessary in developing comprehensive human capital strategies. Enables students to identify, analyze and interpret data to make human resource recommendations for individuals and organizations. Includes exploration of data analysis and presentation skills for human capital research and decision-making for planning, employee selection, compensation, employee survey data, organizational effectiveness and utilization analysis.
Explores key metrics, analysis, interpretation and communication tools necessary in developing comprehensive human capital strategies. Enables students to identify, analyze and interpret data to make human resource recommendations for individuals and organizations. Includes exploration of data analysis and presentation skills for human capital research and decision-making for planning, employee selection, compensation, employee survey data, organizational effectiveness and utilization analysis.
HR 4610. Talent Acquisition. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): HR 3430 and University Advanced Standing
Addresses the key HR functions of planning, staffing, and maintaining a quality workforce. Includes identifying critical specifications for filling positions, recruiting a pool of talent, developing selection methods, and creating desirable person/job matches.
Lab access fee of $13 for computers applies.
Addresses the key HR functions of planning, staffing, and maintaining a quality workforce. Includes identifying critical specifications for filling positions, recruiting a pool of talent, developing selection methods, and creating desirable person/job matches.
Lab access fee of $13 for computers applies.
HR 4650. Performance Management. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): HR 3430 and University Advanced Standing
Explores the theories, practices, and tools of performance management, emphasizing the alignment of individual performance with organizational goals. Provides insights into performance appraisal systems, employee development, and the role of performance management in strategic human resource management.
Explores the theories, practices, and tools of performance management, emphasizing the alignment of individual performance with organizational goals. Provides insights into performance appraisal systems, employee development, and the role of performance management in strategic human resource management.
HR 4700G. International Human Resource Management. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): University Advanced Standing
Introduces the field of international human resource management (IHRM). Provides an understanding of global influences on and practices in human resource management in international organizations. Includes globalization, internationalization of HR, cultural influences on HR, global employment law, global talent management, global training, global compensation, international performance evaluations, global human relations, and global employee engagement.
Introduces the field of international human resource management (IHRM). Provides an understanding of global influences on and practices in human resource management in international organizations. Includes globalization, internationalization of HR, cultural influences on HR, global employment law, global talent management, global training, global compensation, international performance evaluations, global human relations, and global employee engagement.
HR 4800. Strategic Human Resource Management. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): HR 3430, HR 4050, HR 4060, Matriculation into the Woodbury School of Business, and University Advanced Standing
Facilitates students’ understanding of the total alignment of human resource management (HRM) and business strategies. Provides an overview of the role of HRM as a capstone course. Considers the overall design of the HRM infrastructure to enable optimal employee performance relative to the strategic goals of the organization, to achieve competitive advantages. Examines the techniques, policies, processes, strategies, and practices used by companies and / or managers to effectively and efficiently utilize human resources. Teaches theories and practices in multiple HRM areas, including staffing, performance evaluation, work and job design, training, total compensation, the legal environment, labor relations, and megatrends in the external labor market. Provides extensive training to prepare for the aPHR (Associate Professional of Human Resources) exam as a professional certification from the Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI).
Facilitates students’ understanding of the total alignment of human resource management (HRM) and business strategies. Provides an overview of the role of HRM as a capstone course. Considers the overall design of the HRM infrastructure to enable optimal employee performance relative to the strategic goals of the organization, to achieve competitive advantages. Examines the techniques, policies, processes, strategies, and practices used by companies and / or managers to effectively and efficiently utilize human resources. Teaches theories and practices in multiple HRM areas, including staffing, performance evaluation, work and job design, training, total compensation, the legal environment, labor relations, and megatrends in the external labor market. Provides extensive training to prepare for the aPHR (Associate Professional of Human Resources) exam as a professional certification from the Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI).
HR 4950R. Advanced Topics in Strategic Human Resource Management. (1-3 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): Department chair approval and University Advanced Standing.
Provides exposure to emerging current interests in strategic human resource management topics. Topics vary each semester. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits toward graduation.
Provides exposure to emerging current interests in strategic human resource management topics. Topics vary each semester. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits toward graduation.
HR 6550. Organization Development and Change Management. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): Admission into any UVU Graduate Program
Explores the theories and practices of change management in organizations. Examines various models of organizational development, change processes, and the impact of change on employees, teams, and the overall organization. Examines approaches to diagnosing and analyzing organizational problems, developing and implementing change initiatives, and evaluating the outcomes of these efforts. Focuses on thinking critically and creatively about organizational change, as well as to understand the complexities and challenges involved in leading and managing change. Uses lectures, case studies, group discussions, hands-on exercises and simulations, and a real-world organizational change consulting project.
Explores the theories and practices of change management in organizations. Examines various models of organizational development, change processes, and the impact of change on employees, teams, and the overall organization. Examines approaches to diagnosing and analyzing organizational problems, developing and implementing change initiatives, and evaluating the outcomes of these efforts. Focuses on thinking critically and creatively about organizational change, as well as to understand the complexities and challenges involved in leading and managing change. Uses lectures, case studies, group discussions, hands-on exercises and simulations, and a real-world organizational change consulting project.