Information Management (IM)
To register for courses and see a real-time listing of classes and sections offered, view the add/drop system.
IM 1000. E-Commerce Techniques for Small Business. (3 Credits)
Corequisite(s):Basic Computer Proficiency or IM 1010 strongly recommended
Introduces strategies and best practices for analyzing a target market, designing an online business, and implementing an e-Commerce solution. Discusses online marketing, branding, usability, search engine optimization, personalization, rapid development, theming, and security. Requires implementation of an online small business individually or with a group.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
Introduces strategies and best practices for analyzing a target market, designing an online business, and implementing an e-Commerce solution. Discusses online marketing, branding, usability, search engine optimization, personalization, rapid development, theming, and security. Requires implementation of an online small business individually or with a group.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
IM 1010. Basic Computer Applications. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): Basic keyboarding skill
Prepares students for the IC3 certification exam. Teaches basic computer fundamentals, digital living concepts, and key applications. Includes PC computer system concepts, basics of the Windows operating system, software licensing and installation, electronic communication, Internet and research fluency, and ethical computer usage. Provides hand-on experience in the basic features of Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and Access as common business problem solving and communication tools. May be delivered hybrid and/or online.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
Prepares students for the IC3 certification exam. Teaches basic computer fundamentals, digital living concepts, and key applications. Includes PC computer system concepts, basics of the Windows operating system, software licensing and installation, electronic communication, Internet and research fluency, and ethical computer usage. Provides hand-on experience in the basic features of Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and Access as common business problem solving and communication tools. May be delivered hybrid and/or online.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
IM 1010A. Word Processing Applications. (1 Credit)
Introduces word processing software. Emphasizes commands needed to create, format, revise, save, and print documents. Includes inserting and formatting graphics, tables, and tabs into a text document.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
IM 1010B. Presentations Applications. (0.5 Credits)
Introduces presentation software. Emphasizes process of creating, formatting, revising, saving, print, and showing presentations. Includes planning a slide show, choosing appropriate designs, and using templates.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
IM 1830R. IM Student Chapter. (1 Credit)
Develops insights regarding lifetime careers and advancement opportunities in business, education, and industry through participation in a student organization. Helps students develop professionally through opportunities to use and apply, human relations, management, social, communicative, and organizational skills. Provides opportunities for leadership positions, committee assignments, participation in school and community activities, and competition in state and national competitive events. Requires payment of local, state, and national dues. Students may choose membership in Phi Beta Lambda, the collegiate division of FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America), or IAAP (International Association of Administrative Professionals). Designed for information management and education-oriented students but open to all students interested in lifetime business skills. Graded credit/no credit. May be repeated for a maximum of 4 credits toward graduation.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
IM 1840R. IM Student Leadership. (1 Credit)
Prerequisite(s): Instructor Approval
For Phi Beta Lambda officers and International Association of Administrative Professionals. Includes development, organization, and direction of the Program of Work for student chapters. Graded on a credit/no credit basis. May be repeated for a maximum of 4 credits toward graduation.
For Phi Beta Lambda officers and International Association of Administrative Professionals. Includes development, organization, and direction of the Program of Work for student chapters. Graded on a credit/no credit basis. May be repeated for a maximum of 4 credits toward graduation.
IM 2010. Business Computer Proficiency. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): (IM 1010 recommended) or (Basic Computer Applications Challenge Exam with a minimum score of 80% recommended)
Encompasses two software applications, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Access, from a business perspective. Covers intermediate level problem solving and production skills. Uses business applications in case study settings to solve problems and accomplish tasks. In company with IM 1010, meets/exceeds the Board of Regent's Business Core Advisory Committee's requirement and the Business Computer Proficiency required by the Woodbury School of Business. May be delivered online.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
Encompasses two software applications, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Access, from a business perspective. Covers intermediate level problem solving and production skills. Uses business applications in case study settings to solve problems and accomplish tasks. In company with IM 1010, meets/exceeds the Board of Regent's Business Core Advisory Committee's requirement and the Business Computer Proficiency required by the Woodbury School of Business. May be delivered online.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
IM 2010A. Spreadsheet Applications. (2 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): (IM 1010 with a grade of B- or higher) or (Basic Computer Applications Exam with a score of 80% or higher) or Instructor Approval
Introduces spreadsheet software. Emphasizes process of creating, formatting, enhancing, revising, saving, and printing spreadsheets. Stresses use of formulas and functions to solve problems. Includes creating charts using spreadsheet data.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
Introduces spreadsheet software. Emphasizes process of creating, formatting, enhancing, revising, saving, and printing spreadsheets. Stresses use of formulas and functions to solve problems. Includes creating charts using spreadsheet data.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
IM 2010B. Database Applications. (1 Credit)
Prerequisite(s): (IM 1010 with a grade of B- or higher) or (Basic Computer Applications Exam with a score of 80% or higher) or Instructor Approval
Introduces database software. Emphasizes process of designing, modifying, and creating related tables. Includes creating forms, generating reports and labels and constructing queries.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
Introduces database software. Emphasizes process of designing, modifying, and creating related tables. Includes creating forms, generating reports and labels and constructing queries.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
IM 2100. Document Processing Applications. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): Basic keyboarding skills
Teaches intermediate word processing features in a Windows environment for the production of business letters, envelopes, multiple-page documents, reports, newsletters, tables, and other specialized business documents. Emphasizes identification and troubleshooting problems associated with soft copy document production. Stresses proper formatting.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
Teaches intermediate word processing features in a Windows environment for the production of business letters, envelopes, multiple-page documents, reports, newsletters, tables, and other specialized business documents. Emphasizes identification and troubleshooting problems associated with soft copy document production. Stresses proper formatting.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
IM 2300. Information Management Principles. (3 Credits)
Includes storage and retrieval systems, managing manual and electronic files, cross referencing, automated records systems, safety, security, and disaster recovery. Discusses the records cycle, equipment, supplies, retention schedules, and micrographics and image technology. Explores legal and ethical concerns.
Lab access fee of $45 for software applies.
Lab access fee of $45 for software applies.
IM 2400. Presentation Applications. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): IM 1010 or IM 2010 or IM 2100 or Instructor Approval
Uses a presentation software tool to create computer slide presentations, business charts and graphs, illustrations for desktop publishing, text charts, and other business-oriented publications. Incorporates presentation templates, clip art, charts and graphs, scanned images, sound, animations, video, and hyperlinks to create projects.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
Uses a presentation software tool to create computer slide presentations, business charts and graphs, illustrations for desktop publishing, text charts, and other business-oriented publications. Incorporates presentation templates, clip art, charts and graphs, scanned images, sound, animations, video, and hyperlinks to create projects.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
IM 2500. Graphic Applications. (3 Credits)
Explores digital image editing using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator. Provides an overview of image optimization processes for the web.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
IM 2600. Spreadsheet Applications. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): MAT 0980 or equivalent business math knowledge; basic keyboarding skill
Provides students with an extensive study of Microsoft’s electronic spreadsheets, Microsoft Excel. Uses hands-on tutorials, computer simulated activities, examinations, assignments, and a classroom learning community with an emphasis on practical business applications such as building charts, tables, functions, add-ins, macros and more. Provides a comprehensive emphasis on solving problems and analyzing data.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
Provides students with an extensive study of Microsoft’s electronic spreadsheets, Microsoft Excel. Uses hands-on tutorials, computer simulated activities, examinations, assignments, and a classroom learning community with an emphasis on practical business applications such as building charts, tables, functions, add-ins, macros and more. Provides a comprehensive emphasis on solving problems and analyzing data.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
IM 2800. Integrated Software Projects. (3 Credits)
Pre- or Corequisite(s): IM 2100 and IM 2600 or Instructor Approval
Emphasizes organizing projects, prioritizing tasks, working under time pressures, and dealing with stressful situations. Requires completion of advanced document production in an automated environment using current versions of suite software packages. Course projects stress self-motivation, acceptance of responsibility, critical thinking, and effective decision making. Designed to prepare students majoring in administrative information management to enter the work force, and should be taken at the end of a program in order to grasp the concepts presented and, with little supervision, produce material acceptable on the job.
Software fee of $18 applies.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
Emphasizes organizing projects, prioritizing tasks, working under time pressures, and dealing with stressful situations. Requires completion of advanced document production in an automated environment using current versions of suite software packages. Course projects stress self-motivation, acceptance of responsibility, critical thinking, and effective decision making. Designed to prepare students majoring in administrative information management to enter the work force, and should be taken at the end of a program in order to grasp the concepts presented and, with little supervision, produce material acceptable on the job.
Software fee of $18 applies.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
IM 2810R. Internship. (1-8 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): Departmental Approval
For Information Management majors only. Provides a transition from school to-work where learned theory is applied to actual practice through a meaningful on-the-job experience. Includes student, employer and coordinator evaluations, on-site work visits, and written assignments. Completers should obtain experience in establishing and accomplishing individualized work objectives that improve work performance. Internship is intended for entry level IM students who are working at that level. Credit is determined by the number of hours a student works during the semester and completion of individually set goals. May be repeated for a maximum of 9 credits towards graduation. May be graded credit/no credit.
For Information Management majors only. Provides a transition from school to-work where learned theory is applied to actual practice through a meaningful on-the-job experience. Includes student, employer and coordinator evaluations, on-site work visits, and written assignments. Completers should obtain experience in establishing and accomplishing individualized work objectives that improve work performance. Internship is intended for entry level IM students who are working at that level. Credit is determined by the number of hours a student works during the semester and completion of individually set goals. May be repeated for a maximum of 9 credits towards graduation. May be graded credit/no credit.
IM 2900R. Current Topics in Information Management. (1-3 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): Departmental Approval
Designed for students interested in specific information management tools and concepts. Includes relevant and changing topics and tools used by business and industry. Emphasizes hands-on experience along with lectures and demonstrations. May be taken for a total of 9 credits toward graduation.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
Designed for students interested in specific information management tools and concepts. Includes relevant and changing topics and tools used by business and industry. Emphasizes hands-on experience along with lectures and demonstrations. May be taken for a total of 9 credits toward graduation.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
IM 3500. Desktop Publishing Applications. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): (IM 2100 or Instructor approval) and University Advanced Standing
For administrative information management or administrative information support majors and others interested in learning desktop publishing features. Teaches the use of current desktop publishing software in a Windows environment. Emphasizes production of complex documents for the purpose of publication. Teaches formatting and design principles through the use of theory instruction, demonstration, and hands-on experience.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
For administrative information management or administrative information support majors and others interested in learning desktop publishing features. Teaches the use of current desktop publishing software in a Windows environment. Emphasizes production of complex documents for the purpose of publication. Teaches formatting and design principles through the use of theory instruction, demonstration, and hands-on experience.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
IM 3600. Advanced Excel for Decision Making. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): IM 2010 or IM 2600 and University Advanced Standing
Uses Microsoft Excel as a reporting tool and as a modeling tool for solving business problems. Focuses on reporting, analyzing data, and building analytic models to improve operations, increase profits, or reduce costs. Builds models to help make business decisions including advanced functions, dashboards, forecasting, optimization, and simulation.
Lab access fee of $45 applies.
Uses Microsoft Excel as a reporting tool and as a modeling tool for solving business problems. Focuses on reporting, analyzing data, and building analytic models to improve operations, increase profits, or reduce costs. Builds models to help make business decisions including advanced functions, dashboards, forecasting, optimization, and simulation.
Lab access fee of $45 applies.
IM 3700. Database Applications. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): Basic keyboarding skill and University Advanced Standing
Explores creating and utilizing database files using database management software. Covers basic concepts of database management emphasizing commonly used applications. Teaches use of reports, letters, labels, custom screens, and queries in a business setting.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
Explores creating and utilizing database files using database management software. Covers basic concepts of database management emphasizing commonly used applications. Teaches use of reports, letters, labels, custom screens, and queries in a business setting.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
IM 4300. Information Workflow Management. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): (TECH 3400 or Instructor approval) and University Advanced Standing
Emphasizes leadership, organization, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills in directing the completion of documents and projects in an automated and integrated environment. Covers a variety of leadership activities including planning and organizing new projects; directing new and ongoing operations; and using available technology to process, analyze, manage, and communicate information. Stresses leadership, self-motivation, effective decision making, and critical- and creative-thinking skills. Teaches the role of a project manager or business manager.
Lab access fee of $45 for software applies.
Emphasizes leadership, organization, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills in directing the completion of documents and projects in an automated and integrated environment. Covers a variety of leadership activities including planning and organizing new projects; directing new and ongoing operations; and using available technology to process, analyze, manage, and communicate information. Stresses leadership, self-motivation, effective decision making, and critical- and creative-thinking skills. Teaches the role of a project manager or business manager.
Lab access fee of $45 for software applies.
IM 4810R. Internship. (1-8 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): Instructor approval and University Advanced Standing
For Information Management majors only. Provides a transition from school to-work where learned theory is applied to actual practice through a meaningful on-the-job experience. Includes student, employer and coordinator evaluations, on-site work visits, and written assignments. Provides experience in establishing and accomplishing individualized work objectives that improve work performance. Internship is intended for senior IM students who are working at that level. Credit is determined by the number of hours a student works during the semester and completion of individually set goals. May be repeated for a maximum of 9 credits towards graduation. May be graded credit/no credit.
For Information Management majors only. Provides a transition from school to-work where learned theory is applied to actual practice through a meaningful on-the-job experience. Includes student, employer and coordinator evaluations, on-site work visits, and written assignments. Provides experience in establishing and accomplishing individualized work objectives that improve work performance. Internship is intended for senior IM students who are working at that level. Credit is determined by the number of hours a student works during the semester and completion of individually set goals. May be repeated for a maximum of 9 credits towards graduation. May be graded credit/no credit.
IM 4900R. Advanced Topics in Information Management. (1-3 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): Departmental Approval and University Advanced Standing
Includes relevant and changing topics and tools used by business and industry. Emphasizes hands-on experience. May be repeated for a maximum of 9 credits toward graduation.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
Includes relevant and changing topics and tools used by business and industry. Emphasizes hands-on experience. May be repeated for a maximum of 9 credits toward graduation.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
IM 4960R. Information Management Seminar. (1-3 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): IM 2300 and University Advanced Standing
Provides short courses, workshops, and special programs in information management or current business topics. May be repeated for up to 6 credits toward graduation.
Provides short courses, workshops, and special programs in information management or current business topics. May be repeated for up to 6 credits toward graduation.
IM 4970R. Independent Study. (1-3 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): Instructor Approval and University Advanced Standing
For bachelor's degree students and other interested persons. Offers independent study as directed in reading or in individual projects; offered at the discretion and approval of the department chairperson. May be repeated for a maximum of 9 credits toward graduation.
For bachelor's degree students and other interested persons. Offers independent study as directed in reading or in individual projects; offered at the discretion and approval of the department chairperson. May be repeated for a maximum of 9 credits toward graduation.