Military Science (MILS)
To register for courses and see a real-time listing of classes and sections offered, view the add/drop system.
MILS 1200. Introduction to Leadership Excellence I. (2 Credits)
Corequisite(s): MILS 1450R
Presents historical overview and development of military value systems and philosophies. Studies individual leadership styles, organization and time management, and writing skills. Includes ethics and code of an officer, role of an officer in the military, drill and ceremonies, fire team tactics, map reading, and basic rifle marksmanship. Lab required.
Presents historical overview and development of military value systems and philosophies. Studies individual leadership styles, organization and time management, and writing skills. Includes ethics and code of an officer, role of an officer in the military, drill and ceremonies, fire team tactics, map reading, and basic rifle marksmanship. Lab required.
MILS 1210. Introduction to Leadership Excellence II. (2 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): MILS 1200 or Department Approval
Corequisite(s): MILS 1450R
Compares and analyzes leadership styles found in the U.S. Army, as well as business, academic, and government organizations. Studies Army organization, active and reserve forces; winter survival, advanced fire-team and aggressor tactics. Lab required.
Corequisite(s): MILS 1450R
Compares and analyzes leadership styles found in the U.S. Army, as well as business, academic, and government organizations. Studies Army organization, active and reserve forces; winter survival, advanced fire-team and aggressor tactics. Lab required.
MILS 1430R. Military Fitness. (1 Credit)
For Army ROTC students and all other interested students. Uses the Army Physical Fitness Test to evaluate the student's performance and improvement in the areas of flexibility, strength, and endurance. Includes instruction in foot care and road marching techniques. Repeats are required. See advisor for details.
MILS 1450R. Introduction to Leadership Dynamics and Techniques. (1 Credit)
Prerequisite(s): Department Approval
Leadership lab for UVU Army ROTC students and other students interested in the study of leadership. Studies the dynamics of leadership of groups and individuals in various environments. Provides opportunities for students to apply leadership principles and techniques in challenging situations and conditions. Required lab for students enrolled in UVU Military Science 1000- and 2000-level classes. Students not enrolled in Army ROTC may take this class up to six credits with department approval.
Leadership lab for UVU Army ROTC students and other students interested in the study of leadership. Studies the dynamics of leadership of groups and individuals in various environments. Provides opportunities for students to apply leadership principles and techniques in challenging situations and conditions. Required lab for students enrolled in UVU Military Science 1000- and 2000-level classes. Students not enrolled in Army ROTC may take this class up to six credits with department approval.
MILS 2050. Small Unit Combat Tactics. (2 Credits)
Introduces cadets to the personal challenges and competencies that are critical for effective leadership by introducing cadets to the personal development of life skills, critical thinking, goal setting, time management, and physical/mental fitness.
MILS 2200. Advanced Organizational Leadership I. (2 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): MILS 1210 or Dept. Approval
Corequisite(s): MILS 2450R
Builds on skills and fundamentals learned in MILS 1200 and 2210. Studies the dynamics of leadership of groups and individuals in a field environment. Provides opportunities for students to apply leadership principles and techniques in challenging situations to further prepare them for leadership positions in the military or any career field they choose.
Corequisite(s): MILS 2450R
Builds on skills and fundamentals learned in MILS 1200 and 2210. Studies the dynamics of leadership of groups and individuals in a field environment. Provides opportunities for students to apply leadership principles and techniques in challenging situations to further prepare them for leadership positions in the military or any career field they choose.
MILS 2210. Advanced Organizational Leadership II. (2 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): MILS 2200 or Dept. Approval
Corequisite(s): MILS 2450R
Builds on skills and fundamentals learned in MILS 2200 and 1210. Studies the dynamics of leadership of groups and individuals in a field environment. Provides opportunities for students to apply leadership principles and techniques in challenging situations to further prepare them for leadership positions in the military or in any career field they choose.
Corequisite(s): MILS 2450R
Builds on skills and fundamentals learned in MILS 2200 and 1210. Studies the dynamics of leadership of groups and individuals in a field environment. Provides opportunities for students to apply leadership principles and techniques in challenging situations to further prepare them for leadership positions in the military or in any career field they choose.
MILS 2450R. Leadership Studies. (1 Credit)
Prerequisite(s): MILS 1450R or instructor approval
Studies the dynamics of leadership of groups and individuals in a field environment. Provides opportunities for students to apply leadership principles and techniques in challenging situations to further prepare them for leadership positions in the military or in any career field they choose. May be repeated for up to four credits with departmental approval.
Studies the dynamics of leadership of groups and individuals in a field environment. Provides opportunities for students to apply leadership principles and techniques in challenging situations to further prepare them for leadership positions in the military or in any career field they choose. May be repeated for up to four credits with departmental approval.
MILS 2590R. Current Topics in Military Science. (3 Credits)
Provides exposure to emerging issues of current interest in military science. Topics vary each semester. May be repeated for a maximum of 9 credits toward graduation.
MILS 3200. Small Unit Leadership I. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): MILS 2210
Corequisite(s): MILS 3450R
Prerequisite to attendance at National Advanced Leadership Camp. Prepares for successful completion of camp. Studies land navigation, squad and platoon tactics, combat operations, physical fitness, and physical leadership. Lab required.
Corequisite(s): MILS 3450R
Prerequisite to attendance at National Advanced Leadership Camp. Prepares for successful completion of camp. Studies land navigation, squad and platoon tactics, combat operations, physical fitness, and physical leadership. Lab required.
MILS 3210. Small Unit Leadership II. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): MILS 3200
Corequisite(s): MILS 3450R
Prerequisite to attendance at National Advanced Leadership Camp. Prepares for successful completion of camp. Studies land navigation, squad and platoon tactics, combat operations, physical fitness, and physical leadership. Lab required.
Corequisite(s): MILS 3450R
Prerequisite to attendance at National Advanced Leadership Camp. Prepares for successful completion of camp. Studies land navigation, squad and platoon tactics, combat operations, physical fitness, and physical leadership. Lab required.
MILS 3450R. Advanced Leadership Dynamics and Techniques. (1 Credit)
Prerequisite(s): Departmental Approval
Leadership lab for UVU Army ROTC students and other students interested in the study of leadership. Studies the dynamics of leadership of groups and individuals in various environments. Provides opportunities for students to apply leadership principles and techniques in challenging situations and conditions. Required lab for students enrolled in UVU Military Science 3000- and 4000-level classes. Students not enrolled in Army ROTC may take this class four times for credit with department approval.
Leadership lab for UVU Army ROTC students and other students interested in the study of leadership. Studies the dynamics of leadership of groups and individuals in various environments. Provides opportunities for students to apply leadership principles and techniques in challenging situations and conditions. Required lab for students enrolled in UVU Military Science 3000- and 4000-level classes. Students not enrolled in Army ROTC may take this class four times for credit with department approval.
MILS 4200. The Profession of Arms I. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): Departmental Approval
Corequisite(s): MILS 4450R
Prepares the prospective officer for initial training and subsequent assignment into the U.S. Army. Includes overview of U.S. Army training management, military writing, administration, logistics, professionalism, and ethics. Lab required.
Corequisite(s): MILS 4450R
Prepares the prospective officer for initial training and subsequent assignment into the U.S. Army. Includes overview of U.S. Army training management, military writing, administration, logistics, professionalism, and ethics. Lab required.
MILS 4210. The Profession of Arms II. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): MILS 4200 or Departmental Approval
Corequisite(s): MILS 4450R
Prepares the prospective officer for successful completion of Army assignments. Includes advanced U.S. Army leadership training, training management, military justice and law, pre-commissioning orientation, military briefing skills, and junior officer leadership.
Corequisite(s): MILS 4450R
Prepares the prospective officer for successful completion of Army assignments. Includes advanced U.S. Army leadership training, training management, military justice and law, pre-commissioning orientation, military briefing skills, and junior officer leadership.
MILS 4450R. Transition to Officership. (1 Credit)
Prerequisite(s): Departmental Approval
Leadership Lab for UVU Senior Army ROTC students. Studies the dynamics of leadership of groups and individuals in various environments. Provides opportunities for students to refine leadership skills in preparation for service with the United State Army. Required lab for students enrolled in UVU Military Science 4000-level classes. ROTC students may take this course up to 4 credits with departmental approval.
Leadership Lab for UVU Senior Army ROTC students. Studies the dynamics of leadership of groups and individuals in various environments. Provides opportunities for students to refine leadership skills in preparation for service with the United State Army. Required lab for students enrolled in UVU Military Science 4000-level classes. ROTC students may take this course up to 4 credits with departmental approval.
MILS 4500. Advanced Leadership and Operations. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): MILS 3200, MILS 3210, MILS 4200 and MILS 4210
Prepares the prospective officer for successful completion of Army assignments. Includes advanced understanding of U.S. Army operations and training, Officer, Non-Commission Officer and enlisted personnel management, and the use of the Military Decision Making Process.
Prepares the prospective officer for successful completion of Army assignments. Includes advanced understanding of U.S. Army operations and training, Officer, Non-Commission Officer and enlisted personnel management, and the use of the Military Decision Making Process.