Nutrition (NUTR)
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NUTR 1020. Foundations of Human Nutrition. (3 Credits)
For students interested in various health care professions. Considers basic principles of human nutrition. Studies factors that influence nutritive requirements and maintenance of nutritional balance. Examines relationships between proper nutrition and social, mental and physical well-being.
NUTR 2000. Body Image and Weight Management. (3 Credits)
Provides an overview of body image and weight management issues from historical and societal perspectives. Combines psychology and public health concepts to enhance understanding of the unique relationship individuals have with their bodies throughout the life cycle. Addresses popular weight management strategies from a public health perspective. Focuses on weight management from an anti-diet, health-at-every-size approach.
NUTR 2020. Nutrition Through the Life Cycle. (3 Credits)
Focuses on nutrition and the application of nutrition principles to the human life cycle. Includes nutrient functions, needs, sources, and alterations during pregnancy, lactation, growth & development (infancy through adulthood), maturation, and aging.
NUTR 3000. Nutrition and Disease. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): NUTR 1020 and University Advanced Standing
Examines the latest research on how nutrition may prevent and improve symptoms of many different diseases. Explores the relationships between the food we eat and risk, understanding the role of the nutrition care process and when it could be utilized. Builds students ability to critically analyze nutritional information and helps students to create nutritional interventions to achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Examines the latest research on how nutrition may prevent and improve symptoms of many different diseases. Explores the relationships between the food we eat and risk, understanding the role of the nutrition care process and when it could be utilized. Builds students ability to critically analyze nutritional information and helps students to create nutritional interventions to achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
NUTR 3100. Public Health Nutrition. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): NUTR 1020 and University Advanced Standing
Examines the effect of diet on human development and disease prevention. Studies several public health nutritional tools and how they apply to the population. Assesses current nutritional policies in public health, with an emphasis on how to manage community health nutrition needs.
Examines the effect of diet on human development and disease prevention. Studies several public health nutritional tools and how they apply to the population. Assesses current nutritional policies in public health, with an emphasis on how to manage community health nutrition needs.
NUTR 3200. Cultural Aspects of Health and Nutrition. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): NUTR 1020 and University Advanced Standing
Focuses on the influence of culture on illness, health, and rehabilitation. Explores the relationship that culture plays in the health and wellness of both individuals and the community in which they live.
Focuses on the influence of culture on illness, health, and rehabilitation. Explores the relationship that culture plays in the health and wellness of both individuals and the community in which they live.