Physical Education Sports (PES)
To register for courses and see a real-time listing of classes and sections offered, view the add/drop system.
PES 1085. Weight Training I. (1 Credit)
Focuses on National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) approved lifting techniques, safety training, and basic physiology and nutrition information. Teaches evidence-based training decisions to target strength, power, endurance, and body composition programs.
PES 1130. Golf I. (1 Credit)
A beginning course designed to teach students fundamental techniques, rules and etiquette of the game. Includes instruction on equipment and golf techniques such as grip, stance, and swing. Provides practice rounds leading to in-class tournaments. Uses demonstrations and labs, practice and inter-class participation. Taught on block only.
PES 1200. Basketball I. (1 Credit)
An introductory course designed to teach the basic skills of shooting, passing, ball handling, rebounding, etc. Introduces and practices new skills each class session. Provides regular scrimmage time. Designed for fun and good competition. Includes an exciting class tournament during the course.
PES 1201. Basketball II. (1 Credit)
Teaches advanced skills of shooting, passing, ball handling, rebounding, etc. Stresses fun and competition. Provides regular scrimmage time. Includes an exciting class tournament during the course.
PES 1210. Volleyball I. (1 Credit)
Covers basic concepts of volleyball. Teaches fundamentals and rules of the sport. Introduces new skills such as sprawl and roll. Includes labs, lectures, audio-visual, practice and inter-class participation.
PES 1211. Volleyball II. (1 Credit)
Teaches advanced volleyball skills and team concepts for intermediate volleyball players. Reviews fundamentals and rules. Covers 6-person, 3-person, and 2-person volleyball, Includes labs, lectures, audio-visual, practice and scrimmages.
PES 2000R. Intercollegiate Athletics. (1 Credit)
Prerequisite(s): Coach approval
Provides an opportunity to improve strategic and physical performance by working with instructor in chosen activity. May be repeated for 4 credits toward graduation.
Provides an opportunity to improve strategic and physical performance by working with instructor in chosen activity. May be repeated for 4 credits toward graduation.
PES 2400. Sports Injuries. (2 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): ZOOL 1090 or Permission of instructor
Prevention and care of fitness, sport, and physical education performance injuries. Emphasizes the responsibilities of the coach/PE teacher related to sport injuries. Examines recognition, cause, prevention and care of sports related injuries to specific body parts. Explores protective equipment, enivironmental factors, and nutritional considerations. Reviews injuries which occur to specific populations such as adolesscent and elderly athletes.
Course fee of $20 for materials applies.
Prevention and care of fitness, sport, and physical education performance injuries. Emphasizes the responsibilities of the coach/PE teacher related to sport injuries. Examines recognition, cause, prevention and care of sports related injuries to specific body parts. Explores protective equipment, enivironmental factors, and nutritional considerations. Reviews injuries which occur to specific populations such as adolesscent and elderly athletes.
Course fee of $20 for materials applies.
PES 4900. Exercise Science Senior Practicum. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): EXSC 3700, EXSC 4000, EXSC 4100, and University Advanced Standing
Emphasizes application of physical activity promotion in a variety of settings. Options include service learning activities, assessing athletes, working in clinical settings that address assessment and exercise prescription in the elderly, cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation, and outpatient physical therapy.
Emphasizes application of physical activity promotion in a variety of settings. Options include service learning activities, assessing athletes, working in clinical settings that address assessment and exercise prescription in the elderly, cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation, and outpatient physical therapy.