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Digital Media Cinema Production (DCPR)

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DCPR 1000.  Digital Cinema Production Orientation.  (1 Credit)  
Offers an overview of the Digital Cinema major and film and television industry. Teaches students the expectations and timetables required of them as they progress through the major. Develops a broad understanding of the various aspects of the filmmaking process and how training for these various aspects is conducted at UVU. Emphasizes industry standards of safety and professionalism.
Lab access fee of $45 applies.
DCPR 1010.  Film Production Analysis I.  (1 Credit)  
Corequisite(s): DCPR 1010L
Analyzes the various technologies and production techniques that are used in motion picture communication. Involves viewing a motion picture each week of class and analyzing how the filmmakers incorporated production and structural techniques to produce a compelling story. Covers structural elements of motion picture storytelling, how each crew member of the production team contributes to the overall impact, how scripting is used to guide the team to create a strong cinematic effect, and how the three-act structure guides the entire team through the pre-production, production, and post-production process.
Lab access fee of $45 applies.
DCPR 1010L.  Film Production Analysis I Lab.  (2 Credits)  
Corequisite(s): DCPR 1010
Provides opportunities for in-class participation and discussion of films and media content. Allows students and faculty time to participate in hands-on experiences and work on class projects.
DCPR 1020.  Writing for Entertainment Media I.  (2 Credits)  
Corequisite(s): DCPR 1020L
Focuses on traditional three-act structure and character-driven storytelling. Introduces dramatic and persuasive writing for filmed media content including short narrative films and documentaries. Applies cinematic storytelling approaches to emerging technologies such as interactive media, gaming, and virtual reality.
Lab access fee of $45 applies.
Software fee of $13 applies.
DCPR 1020L.  Writing for Entertainment Media I Lab.  (1 Credit)  
Corequisite(s): DCPR 1020
Allows in-class time to apply introductory principles of writing for filmed entertainment. Provides opportunities for students to discuss work in class with instructors and peers. Presents an interactive environment where students are encouraged to share their writing with others.
DCPR 1610.  Digital Cinema Editing I.  (2 Credits)  
Corequisite(s): DCPR 1610L
Introduces the interface, tools, techniques, and operations of a variety of Non-Linear Editing (NLE) software programs. Introduces standard editing concepts and practices necessary for the creation and completion of Digital Cinema projects made for various distribution channels. Software fee of $15 applies.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
DCPR 1610L.  Digital Cinema Editing I Lab.  (1 Credit)  
Corequisite(s): DCPR 1610
Applies principles and processes of introductory editing for film and television. Allows students and faculty time to participate in hands-on experiences and to work on class editing projects.
DCPR 1800.  Filmmaking I.  (3 Credits)  
Corequisite(s): DCPR 1800L
Introduces professional video production techniques used for non-narrative digital cinema projects. Covers production processes such as working with clients, storytelling, camera techniques, basic lighting techniques, production management and basic non-linear editing techniques. Requires participation in a high-quality semester project that will take a non-narrative project through the entire pre-production, production and post-production process.
Software fee of $15 applies.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
Course lab fee of $60 for equipment applies.
DCPR 1800L.  Filmmaking I Lab.  (1 Credit)  
Corequisite(s): DCPR 1800
Applies principles and processes of introductory filmmaking. Allows students and faculty time to participate in hands-on experiences and to work on class projects. Provides opportunities for student groups to coordinate and prepare projects.
DCPR 2000R.  Special Topics in Digital Cinema.  (1-3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): DCPR 1010, DCPR 1800
Introduces film and video processes relevant to current industry trends. Includes relevant and changing topics and tools used in industry. Emphasizes hands-on experience along with lectures and demonstrations. Varies from one semester to another. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits toward graduation.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
DCPR 2010.  Film Production Analysis II.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): DCPR 1010
Immerses participants in the theory and practice of effective storytelling through digital media. Features films and Daniel Methodology analysis as a foundation, then branches into applying Daniel Methodology to other media, including television series, documentaries, animation, gaming, interactive design and virtual reality. Prepares students for the rigorous requirements of the digital media industry in key creative professional roles, including writing, directing, producing and editing. Lab access fee of $45 applies.
DCPR 2410.  Cinematography I.  (1 Credit)  
Prerequisite(s): DGM 2320, DCPR 1800
Corequisite(s): DCPR 2410L
Introduces the basic concepts of lighting, grip/electric work, and beginning cinematography. Teaches a full understanding of lighting instruments, power distribution, lighting support, rigging, dollies, and production equipment. Teaches how to work as a member of a team/department applying on-set protocols to meet the needs of production objectives.
Software fee of $15 applies.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
Course fee of $46 for equipment applies.
DCPR 2410L.  Cinematography I Lab.  (2 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): DGM 2320, DCPR 1800
Corequisite(s): DCPR 2410
Applies principles and processes of introductory cinematography. Teaches on-set safety and professional protocol. Allows students and faculty time to participate in hands-on experiences and to work on class projects.
DCPR 2510.  Aerial Capture.  (1 Credit)  
Introduces the fundamentals of piloting a drone for media capture, including aerial photography and videography, using eight primary cinema techniques. Includes proper drone safety, mission planning, and the basics of legal flight. Requires drone with a camera.
DCPR 2620.  Visual Effects for Digital Cinema I.  (2 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): DCPR 1610
Corequisite(s): DCPR 2620L
Introduces a variety of professional Visual Effects software used in conjunction with NLE (Non-Linear Editing) software in current industry use. Establishes a foundation of understanding of cinematic post-production workflows utilized by professional visual effects houses. Lab access fee of $45 applies.
DCPR 2620L.  Visual Effects for Digital Cinema I Lab.  (1 Credit)  
Prerequisite(s): DCPR 1610
Corequisite(s): DCPR 2620
Applies principles and processes of visual effects for basic post-production workflows. Allows students and faculty time to participate in hands-on experiences and to work on class projects.
DCPR 2630.  Output and Color for Digital Cinema I.  (2 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): DCPR 1610
Corequisite(s): DCPR 2630L
Introduces digital workflow management of digital cinema camera assets. Addresses codecs, asset backup, management, transcoding, preparation of assets for the NLE workflow, and final asset output for various digital distribution channels. Introduces color correction and color grading techniques, principles, and concepts in a variety of professional software platforms.
Software fee of $15 applies.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
DCPR 2630L.  Output and Color for Digital Cinema I Lab.  (1 Credit)  
Prerequisite(s): DCPR 1610
Corequisite(s): DCPR 2630
Applies principles and processes of introductory media management and workflows for digital cinema. Trains students in the roles of the set Digital Imaging Technician and the Assistant Editor. Allows students and faculty time to participate in hands-on experiences and to work on class projects.
DCPR 2800.  Filmmaking II.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): DCPR 1010, DCPR 1800, DCPR 1610
Corequisite(s): DCPR 2800L
Presents professional digital cinema production techniques used in narrative filmmaking. Addresses problem-solving issues related to pre-production, production and post-production. Introduces the roles and duties of the director, producer, assistant director, and other key crew positions. Prepares students for work on professional sets as production assistants.
Course fee of $10 for equipment applies.
Software fee of $15 applies.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
DCPR 2800L.  Filmmaking II Lab.  (1 Credit)  
Prerequisite(s): DCPR 1010, DCPR 1800, DCPR 1610
Corequisite(s): DCPR 2800
Applies principles and processes of introductory narrative filmmaking. Introduces students to the protocols and procedures of narrative film-production. Allows students and faculty time to participate in hands-on experiences and to work on class projects.
DCPR 2810.  Mixed Reality for Digital Cinema.  (2 Credits)  
Corequisite(s): DCR 2810L
Introduces the technical foundations of virtual reality for cinema production including capture, image stitching, editing, and output. Discusses potential narrative and documentary applications for the use of virtual reality as a storytelling vehicle. Allows students hands-on practice as they create various VR projects. Discusses current and evolving distribution and delivery channels for VR filmed content.
Lab access fee of $45 applies.
Course fee of $300 for materials applies.
DCPR 2810L.  Mixed Reality for Digital Cinema Lab.  (1 Credit)  
Corequisite(s): DCPR 2810
Applies principles and processes of beginning Mixed Reality including surround camera, audio and related software. Allows students and faculty time to participate in hands-on experiences and to work on class projects.
DCPR 3100R.  Digital Cinema Production Lecture Series-CineSkype.  (1 Credit)  
Prerequisite(s): DCPR 1010 or CINE 2150 or THEA 1023 and University Advanced Standing
Presents a series of feature-length films and the opportunity to discuss the challenges that went into their creation with the individual filmmaker(s). Introduces participants to directors, screenwriters, producers, and editors currently working in the industry. May be repeated for a maximum of 3 credits toward graduation. (Note: Some films screened may be considered controversial and carry an "R" rating.)
Course fee of $40 for filmmaker sessions applies.
DCPR 3210.  Writing for Entertainment Media II.  (2 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): DCPR 1020 or THEA 2742, Portfolio Review Acceptance and University Advanced Standing
Corequisite(s): DCPR 3210L
Teaches advanced writing for cinema, television and emerging media. Includes writing assignments each week that will be read and analyzed according to the structure and execution of a goal. Discusses a specific scriptwriting subject each week such as finding the idea, researching, outlining and rewriting.
Course fee of $13 for software and plug-ins applies.
Software fee of $15 applies.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
DCPR 3210L.  Writing for Entertainment Media II Lab.  (1 Credit)  
Prerequisite(s): (DCPR 1020 or THEA 2742) and University Advanced Standing
Corequisite(s): DCPR 3210
Allows in-class time to apply intermediate principles of writing for filmed entertainment. Provides opportunities for students to discuss work in class with instructors and peers. Presents an interactive environment where students are encouraged to share their writing with others.
DCPR 3310.  Creative Producing.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): DCPR 2800, Portfolio Review Acceptance, and University Advanced Standing
Explores the role of the producer in the development of motion picture and television projects. Teaches current entertainment industry-standard methods for developing stories, and securing rights and options. Focuses on how producers affect a quality production during development and pre-production, production, and post-production.
Software fee of $15 applies.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
Course fee of $20 for materials applies.
DCPR 3320.  Line Producing.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): DCPR 2800, Portfolio Review Acceptance, and University Advanced Standing
Teaches the management of a motion picture production including scheduling, the creation of budgets, and working with unions and guilds. Addresses the role of the Line Producer, Assistant Director, and Production Manager in the filmmaking process. Focuses on industry-standard protocol, software, and practices.
Lab access fee of $45 applies.
Course fee of $20 for materials applies.
DCPR 3410.  Cinematography II.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): DCPR 2410, Portfolio Review Acceptance, and University Advanced Standing
Corequisite(s): DCPR 3410L
Focuses on the role of the Director of Photography and Gaffer in various media production applications. Teaches continuity of lighting, visual storytelling, implied script subtext through light quality and color, continuity in direction, use of lenses, and shot blocking for a fixed and moving camera. Covers advanced grip and lighting equipment use and setups. Covers working with a producer, director, production designer, set decorator, boom operator, and editor and on-set protocol.
Software fee of $15 applies.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
Course fee of $46 for equipment applies.
DCPR 3410L.  Cinematography II Lab.  (1 Credit)  
Prerequisite(s): DCPR 2410, Portfolio Review Acceptance, and University Advanced Standing
Corequisite(s): DCPR 3410
Applies principles and processes of intermediate cinematography. Allows students and faculty time to participate in hands-on experiences and to work on class projects.
DCPR 3510.  Narrative Directing Workshop I.  (2 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): DCPR 2800, Portfolio Review Acceptance, and University Advanced Standing
Corequisite(s): DCPR 3510L
Offers a workshop format class structure. Offers opportunities to apply and hone skills in the foundational building blocks of digital cinema direction; directing the camera, directing actors, and creating mood and tone. Addresses problem-solving issues related to the director's development, pre-production, and production process. Includes developing, rehearsing, shooting, and editing narrative short films or directorial concept pieces for presentation and critique.
Course fee of $13 for software and plug-ins applies.
Software fee of $15 applies.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
DCPR 3510L.  Narrative Directing Workshop I Lab.  (1 Credit)  
Prerequisite(s): DCPR 1010, DCPR 2800, Portfolio Review Acceptance, and University Advanced Standing
Corequisite(s): DCPR 3510
Applies principles and processes of introductory directing for filmed media. Allows students and faculty time to participate in hands-on experiences and to work on class projects.
DCPR 3570.  Non-Fiction Directing Workshop.  (2 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): DCPR 1800, Portfolio Review Acceptance, and University Advanced Standing
Corequisite(s): DCPR 3570L
Teaches essential skills needed to direct non-fiction films including developing story ideas, interviewing subjects, doing research on global film topics, and learning run and gun/cinema veritae shooting techniques. Explores and analyzes contemporary non-fiction filmmaking genres and styles as they plan, conceptualize, and complete the production of an 8–12-minute documentary film that they direct. Teaches how to develop and pitch story ideas, shoot interviews, B-roll and observational scenes, record audio, storyboard, and consider more sophisticated ways to edit the non-fiction film. Examines the relationship between macro issues such as public health and social justice issues, and looks at the personal stories (micro level) that bring those stories to life on the screen.
Lab access fee of $45 applies.
DCPR 3570L.  Non-Fiction Directing Workshop Lab.  (1 Credit)  
Prerequisite(s): DCPR 1800, Portfolio Review Acceptance, and University Advanced Standing
Corequisite(s): DCPR 3570
Applies principles and processes of non-fiction directing. Allows students and faculty time to participate in hands-on experiences and to work on class projects.
DCPR 3580.  Non-Fiction Producing.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): DCPR 1800, Portfolio Review Acceptance, and University Advanced Standing
Explores the diverse responsibilities of the non-fiction producer through a combination of lecture and documentary styles practical assignment to create a sizzle rell and pitch deck for a potential series or film. Develops skills that include hiring a crew, shooting interviews, gathering archival material, and filming observational scenes. Teaches how to develop and produce non-fiction features or docu-series, explore location scouting, apply for various funding opportunities, and coordinate post-production.
Lab access fee of $45 applies.
Course lab fee of $60 applies.
DCPR 3610.  Digital Cinema Editing II.  (2 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): DCPR 1610, Portfolio Review Acceptance, and University Advanced Standing
Corequisite(s): DCPR 3610L
Develops an understanding of how editing can shape cinematic storytelling using content from a variety of media and in various styles. Provides further practice in the hands-on application of cinema editing techniques. Investigates key historical approaches to editing, their impact, and evolution.
Software fee of $15 applies.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
DCPR 3610L.  Digital Cinema Editing II Lab.  (1 Credit)  
Prerequisite(s): DCPR 1610, Portfolio Review Acceptance, and University Advanced Standing
Corequisite(s): DCPR 3610
Applies principles and processes of intermediate editing. Reviews historically significant editors and editing concepts. Allows students and faculty time to participate in hands-on experiences and to work on class projects.
DCPR 3620.  Visual Effects for Digital Cinema II.  (2 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): DCPR 2620 and University Advanced Standing
Corequisite(s): DCPR 3620L
Provides an advanced practicum in a variety of professional Visual Effects software used in conjunction with NLE (Non-Linear Editing) software in current industry use. Further develops on the foundation of understanding of cinematic post-production workflows utilized by professional visual effects houses. Overviews a broad survey of types of visual effects in use today and the evolution of various programs and their shifting capabilities.
Lab access fee of $45 applies.
DCPR 3620L.  Visual Effects for Digital Cinema II Lab.  (1 Credit)  
Prerequisite(s): DCPR 2620 and University Advanced Standing
Corequisite(s): DCPR 3620
Applies principles and processes of intermediate visual effects work in different platforms. Allows students and faculty time to participate in hands-on experiences and to work on class projects.
DCPR 3630.  Output and Color for Digital Cinema II.  (2 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): DCPR 1610, DCPR 2630, Portfolio Review Acceptance, and University Advanced Standing
Corequisite(s): DCPR 3630L
Focuses on advanced digital post-production workflow, digital output, and color grading for digital cinema productions. Furthers training in professional industry standard software used for color grading, color correction, and delivery. Prepares students for a career in post-production with emphasis on the careers of the Digital Imaging Technician and Colorist.
Software fee of $15 applies.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
DCPR 3630L.  Output and Color for Digital Cinema II Lab.  (1 Credit)  
Prerequisite(s): DCPR 1610, DCPR 2630, Portfolio Review Acceptance, and University Advanced Standing
Corequisite(s): DCPR 3630
Applies principles and processes of advanced color correction, media management, and delivery. Allows students and faculty time to participate in hands-on experiences and to work on class projects.
DCPR 3660.  Professional NLE Certification.  (2 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): DCPR 1610, DCPR 2630, Portfolio Review Acceptance, and University Advanced Standing
Corequisite(s): DCPR 3660L
Provides guidance and materials allowing participants to certify in Non-Linear Editing software. Examines technical post-production considerations including workflows, media management, color, sound, output, multi-camera, visual effects, and scripting.
Lab access fee of $45 applies.
DCPR 3660L.  Professional NLE Certification Lab.  (1 Credit)  
Prerequisite(s): DCPR 1610, DCPR 2630, Portfolio Review Acceptance, and University Advanced Standing
Corequisite(s): DCPR 3660
Applies principles and processes of advanced use of Non-Linear Editing systems (NLE). Provides opportunities to become certified in industry-standard software. Allows students and faculty time to participate in hands-on experiences and to work on class projects.
DCPR 3660R.  Professional NLE Certification Lab.  (1 Credit)  
Prerequisite(s): DCPR 1610, DCPR 2630, Portfolio Review Acceptance, and University Advanced Standing
Corequisite(s): DCPR 3660
Applies principles and processes of advanced use of Non-Linear Editing systems (NLE). Provides opportunities to become certified in industry-standard software. Allows students and faculty time to participate in hands-on experiences and to work on class projects.
DCPR 4110R.  Independent Study - Cinema Production.  (1-3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Portfolio Review Acceptance and University Advanced Standing
Offers independent study as directed in reading or in individual projects; offered at the discretion and approval of the department chairperson. May be repeated for a maximum of 9 credits toward graduation.
DCPR 4210R.  Writing for Entertainment Media III.  (2 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): (DCPR 1020 or THEA 2742), (DCPR 3210 or THEA 3741), University Advanced Standing
Corequisite(s): DCPR 4220R
Focuses on advanced writing for long-form media projects including feature narrative films, documentary projects, episodic television series, experimental new media, interactive games, etc. Introduces participants to the process, discipline, and format necessary to outline, write, and refine a character-driven media script that will ultimately have a running time of over forty-five minutes. May be repeated for a maximum of 4 credits toward graduation.
Lab access fee of $45 applies.
Software fee of $13 applies.
DCPR 4220R.  Writing for Entertainment Media III Lab.  (1 Credit)  
Prerequisite(s): (DCPR 1020 or THEA 2742), (DCPR 3210 or THEA 3741), University Advanced Standing
Corequisite(s): DCPR 4210R
Applies principles and processes of advanced writing for entertainment media including long-form work for film and television. Allows students and faculty time to participate in hands-on experiences and to work on class projects. May be repeated for a maximum of 2 credits toward graduation.
DCPR 4230R.  Story Editing for Digital Cinema.  (2 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): DCPR 1020 or THEA 2742, University Advanced Standing
Pre- or Corequisite(s): DCPR 4240R
Teaches necessary skills for working with writers and producers preparing scripts for production through various media technologies. Analyzes stories in all stages from early concept to production scripts, identify strengths, diagnose weaknesses, and find possible solutions to strengthen the scripts. Teaches consulting techniques for working with writers and producers to communicate clearly and in a way that encourages and empowers them to suit their storytelling plan to the appropriate technologies. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits toward graduation.
Lab access fee of $45 applies.
Software fee of $13 applies.
DCPR 4240R.  Story Editing for Digital Cinema Lab.  (1 Credit)  
Prerequisite(s): DCPR 1020 or THEA 2742, University Advanced Standing
Corequisite(s): DCPR 4230R
Applies principles and processes of script editing. Teaches techniques for allowing writers to creatively problem-solve and rewrite projects. Allows students and faculty time to participate in hands-on experiences and to work on class projects. May be repeated for a maximum of 3 credits toward graduation.
DCPR 4310.  Filmmaking III.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): (DCPR 3310 or DCPR 3320 or DCPR 3580), Accepted to Cinema Track, University Advanced Standing, Portfolio Review Acceptance
Teaches skills to produce various levels of filmed content. Introduces advanced production techniques including contracts, finance, and standard distribution deliverable requirements. Supports the completion of various finished short films both in groups and as individuals.
Course fee of $10 for equipment applies.
Software fee of $15 applies.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
DCPR 4410R.  Cinematography III.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): DCPR 3410, University Advanced Standing, Portfolio Review Acceptance and (Accepted to Cinema Track or Faculty Approval)
Corequisite(s): DCPR 4420R
Offers an advanced workshop format class structure. Utilizes project-based opportunities to apply and hone advanced professional skills in composition, lighting and camera movement. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits toward graduation.
Software fee of $15 applies.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
Course lab fee of $150 for materials applies.
DCPR 4420R.  Cinematography III Lab.  (1 Credit)  
Prerequisite(s): DCPR 3410, University Advanced Standing, Portfolio Review Acceptance and (Accepted to Cinema Track or Faculty Approval)
Corequisite(s): DCPR 4410R
Applies principles and processes of advanced cinematography. Focuses on expressing emotion through the elements of cinematography. Allows students and faculty time to participate in hands-on experiences and to work on class projects. May be repeated for a maximum of 2 credits toward graduation
DCPR 4510R.  Narrative Directing Workshop II.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): DCPR 3510, University Advanced Standing, Portfolio Review Acceptance and (Accepted to Cinema Track or Faculty Approval)
Corequisite(s): DCPR 4520R
Offers a professional-level workshop format class structure for students interested in feature film and television direction, as well as other narrative screen-based content. Focuses include approaches to evaluating story and screenplays, directing actors, staging and blocking scenes, and approaches to visual/cinematic storytelling. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits toward graduation.
Lab access fee of $45 applies.
Course lab fee of $60 for materials applies.
DCPR 4520R.  Narrative Directing Workshop II Lab.  (1 Credit)  
Prerequisite(s): DCPR 3510, University Advanced Standing, Portfolio Review Acceptance and (Accepted to Cinema Track or Faculty Approval)
Corequisite(s): DCPR 4510R
Applies principles and processes of advanced narrative directing for film and television. Allows students and faculty time to work with equipment in a studio setting. May be repeated for a maximum of 2 credits toward graduation.
DCPR 4610.  Digital Cinema Editing III.  (2 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): DCPR 3610, University Advanced Standing, Portfolio Review Acceptance and (Accepted to Cinema Track or Faculty Approval)
Corequisite(s): DCPR 4620L
Presents an advanced practicum in Digital Cinema editing and craft. Prepares students for employment as professional editors and assistant editors in a variety of work environments on a variety of types of media. Teaches the importance of reviewing, analyzing, and sharing critiques of works-in-progress.
Lab access fee of $45 applies.
DCPR 4610L.  Digital Cinema Editing III Lab.  (1 Credit)  
Prerequisite(s): DCPR 3610, University Advanced Standing, Portfolio Review Acceptance and (Accepted to Cinema Track or Faculty Approval)"
Corequisite(s): DCPR 4610
Applies principles and processes of advanced cinema editing. Focuses on the revision process and collaboration. Allows students and faculty time to work with equipment in a studio setting.
DCPR 4900.  Senior Capstone Prep.  (1 Credit)  
Prerequisite(s): University Advanced standing, Portfolio Review Acceptance, Accepted to Cinema Track
Prepares students for the expectations of the Senior Capstone Project. Focuses on project development, budgeting, script preparation, and presentation. Enables students a chance to form Capstone Groups. Prepares students to present their Capstone Proposal to be "green lit" by the Program faculty. Must be taken in the Spring before the student intends to enroll in Capstone.
DCPR 4910.  Senior Capstone I.  (2 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): Portfolio Review Acceptance, University Advanced Standing, Accepted for Cinema Track
Corequisite(s): DCPR 4910L
Provides a capstone experience working in Digital Cinema Production with individual specialized concentrations. Produces individual professional-level projects in consultation with faculty advisors. Encourages teamwork.
Course fee of $10 for equipment applies.
Software fee of $15 applies.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
DCPR 4910L.  Senior Capstone I Lab.  (1 Credit)  
Prerequisite(s): University Advanced Standing, Portfolio Review acceptance, Accepted to Cinema Track
Corequisite(s): DCPR 4910
Provides a practical experience for students to develop, write, plan, produce, and edit an advanced cinematic production for their Capstone Project. Uses class time for faculty and professional advisors to meet and consult with students. Must be taken each semester student is enrolled in Capstone.
DCPR 4920.  Senior Capstone II.  (2 Credits)  
Prerequisite(s): DCPR 4910, Portfolio Review Acceptance, University Advanced Standing, Accepted to Cinema Track
Corequisite(s): DCPR 4920L
Provides a capstone experience working in Digital Cinema Production with individual specialized Concentrations. Produces individual professional-level projects in consultation with faculty advisors. Encourages teamwork.
Course fee of $10 for equipment applies.
Software fee of $15 applies.
Lab access fee of $45 for computers applies.
DCPR 4920L.  Senior Capstone II Lab.  (1 Credit)  
Prerequisite(s): University Advanced Standing and Portfolio Review Acceptance
Corequisite(s): DCPR 4920
Provides a practical experience for students to develop, write, plan, produce, and edit an advanced cinematic production for their Capstone Project. Uses class time for faculty and professional advisors to meet and consult with students.
DCPR 4930.  Senior Professional Preparation.  (1 Credit)  
Prerequisite(s): Portfolio Review and University Advanced Standing
Introduces seniors to techniques and tools to the variety of career opportunities within the field of Digital Cinema Production. Demonstrates techniques to develop a portfolio, brand, and digital presence. Teaches about professional representation, film festivals, networking, and other opportunities.